The Boston Globe

Trump’s claim that he’s against a federal abortion ban is a lie

- RENÉE GRAHAM Renée Graham is a Globe columnist. She can be reached at Follow her @reneeygrah­am.

Donald Trump wants to have it both ways. When he isn’t warning of a “bloodbath” if he loses November’s presidenti­al election or dehumanizi­ng migrants with slurs plucked from fascism’s dictionary, Trump is patting himself on the back for helping to unsettle nearly 50 years of settled law on abortion rights.

“For 54 years they were trying to get Roe v. Wade terminated, and I did it and I’m proud to have done it,” Trump said in January, a reference to his three conservati­ve Supreme Court nominees whose appointmen­ts to the bench doomed a constituti­onal right to abortion.

But while he loves taking credit for ending Roe, he had ducked questions about whether he favors a national abortion ban, which is high on the todo list of Republican­s. Though Trump recently hinted that he favors a 15week ban, when the time came to make his long-awaited statement on abortion, he punted.

“My view is now that we have abortion where everybody wanted it from a legal standpoint, the states will determine by vote or legislatio­n or perhaps both,” Trump said in a video statement posted Monday on his Truth Social site. “And whatever they decide must be the law of the land — in this case, the law of the state.” He also said that he supports abortion in cases of rape, incest, and if the mother’s life is at risk.

This isn’t a change of heart. It’s a political calculatio­n. Trump admitted as much when he said, “We must also win elections,” a signal to his supporters that a more intransige­nt statement on abortion could prevent that. Since the end of Roe in June 2022, abortion rights have prevailed in all six states where they appeared on the ballot — including conservati­ve states like Ohio, Kentucky, and Kansas. So what the presumptiv­e Republican presidenti­al nominee says now about abortion is unlikely to have any bearing on whatever horrible measures he would probably push if he returns to the White House.

Trump’s vacillatin­g stance on abortion has always been politicall­y driven. In 1999, he described himself as “very pro-choice.” By 2011 when he teased a possible 2012 White House run, he told a Conservati­ve Political Action Conference audience that he was “prolife.” When he became a 2016 Republican presidenti­al candidate, he even went so far as to say that if abortion were banned, women should receive “some form of punishment” if they had the procedure. Before Trump could elaborate on what that punishment should be, he recanted his alarming statement.

But Trump’s recent middling response to abortion won’t defang Democratic efforts to keep reproducti­ve rights, especially Trump’s role in dismantlin­g Roe v. Wade, as a front-burner 2024 election issue. Not long after Trump’s statement, President Biden’s campaign released a devastatin­g political ad featuring Amanda and Josh Zurawski. In 2022, the Texas woman twice nearly died from sepsis because she was denied the medical care she needed — an abortion — after suffering a miscarriag­e 18 weeks into her pregnancy. Because of the damage caused by the infection, Zurawski may not be able to get pregnant again.

Trump’s vacillatin­g stance on abortion has always been politicall­y driven.

The stark minute-long ad ends with four words on a black screen: “Donald Trump did this.”

Trump also did this: His craven statement compelled some conservati­ves to suspend their usual subservien­ce and publicly air their dissent against the former president.

In a post on X, Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, one of Trump’s most devoted zealots and supporter of a 15-week abortion ban, said, “I respectful­ly disagree with President Trump’s statement that abortion is a states’ rights issue.” Former vice president Mike Pence, who announced last month that he would not be endorsing his former boss, called Trump’s statement a “retreat“and “a slap in the face to the millions of pro-life Americans who voted for him in 2016 and 2020.”

Marjorie Dannenfels­er, president of Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America, said Trump’s refusal to back a federal abortion ban “cedes the national debate to the Democrats who are working relentless­ly to enact legislatio­n mandating abortion throughout all nine months of pregnancy.” No matter how many times that GOP talking point on Democrats and late-term abortions is mentioned, it remains immune to facts.

The same should be said of any belief that Trump, as president, would not support a federal abortion ban. Stripping away basic human rights tracks with Trump’s would-be authoritar­ianism, but to win in November he’ll tell any lie he deems necessary to achieve his goal.

However much some Republican­s are grumbling now about Trump’s statement, don’t expect it to erode their support. Nor should Democrats read his comment as a more moderate stance — not when there are too many women facing the same impossible decisions that nearly cost Zurawski her life.

Regardless of what Trump says now about abortion, remember this: He doesn’t want anyone to forget that he was the primary architect of dismantlin­g Roe. He needn’t worry. We won’t.

 ?? MAANSI SRIVASTAVA/NYT ?? Abortion rights groups rallied outside the Supreme Court on March 26.
MAANSI SRIVASTAVA/NYT Abortion rights groups rallied outside the Supreme Court on March 26.

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