The Boston Globe

‘Monsters’ in girl’s closet cause quite a buzz

- WaShiNGtoN PoSt

Eight months ago, Saylor class told her parents she could hear monsters in her bedroom. Since then, the 3year-old had grown increasing­ly frightened, often pointing at the wall where she said the sounds were coming from.

“She became more and more adamant that there were monsters,” ashley massis class, Saylor’s mother, said in a phone interview. Saylor was so “terrified” she began sleeping in her parents’ bedroom.

the family home in charlotte, over 100 years old, was purchased three years ago as a renovation project.

three weeks ago, class finally got to the bottom of her daughter’s grievance. unwanted visitors were indeed lurking in Saylor’s bedroom: more than 50,000 honeybees jammed inside the wall, along with 100 pounds of honeycomb.

class, who was pregnant with her third child when Saylor first became nervous, said she considered she was worried about her incoming sibling. class and her husband, chris, never heard sounds coming from th room, so they tried to reassure her. “we made it a game,” class said. “we gave her a bottle of water and called it monster spray, so she could spray them away.”

when Saylor maintained her story, class said, “i didn’t know what was going on.”

But one day in april, while standing outside, class spotted what she thought were wasps flying “in and out” of the attic, which is above Saylor’s room. Pest control told class that they were not wasps but endangered honeybees, and advised her to contact a beekeeper.

when beekeeper curtis collins opened up a piece of wall next to Saylor’s closet, class said, “bees just started pouring out.”

the wall had no insulation, meaning it provided

“an empty cavity.”

the discovery brought some much needed relief to the family.

“when she kept saying that there were noises, my husband and i got worried that the house might actually be haunted,” class said, laughing. “i would take bees over ghosts, honestly.”

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