The Boyertown Area Times

Aaron Eckhart gives Hanks his full support

- By Bob Strauss Southern California News Group

In the new movie “Sully,” double Oscar-winning movie star Tom Hanks naturally plays the heroic airline pilot, Chesley Sullenberg­er, who landed his plane on the Hudson River after a flock of geese knocked out both its engines, saving all 155 souls on board.

Sitting next to him through both the harrowing ordeal and subsequent federal investigat­ion into the incident is Aaron Eckhart as the plane’s co-pilot, Jeff Skiles. It’s as definitive a supporting role as they get, and a position that the 48-yearold Eckhart has often played superbly, sometimes opposite other Academy Awarded performanc­es such as Julia Roberts’ “Erin Brockovich” and Heath Ledger’s “Dark Knight” Joker.

“Sully got most of the attention,” Eckhart observes. “Jeff understood; I talked to him about that. He understood the deal. It’s like in movies: There’s one face to a movie; you’ve gotta put somebody’s face on the poster. He made peace with it and went on his way, though I think it might have taken some soulsearch­ing to do that.”

Everyone familiar with the piloting pair points out that Skiles has a much more pronounced sense of humor than Sully does, and Eckhart certainly takes a few opportunit­ies in Clint Eastwood’s dour film to steal scenes with laughs.

“Sully is so dry that anything that Jeff does is going to make him look like a clown,” the actor says, shrugging.

Eckhart, who’s had leading or co-starring roles in such films as “In the Company of Men,” “I, Frankenste­in” and “Battle: Los Angeles,” has developed a personal theory of supporting acting over the years.

“I think there is an art to it,” he says. “The most important thing is that everybody understand­s that there’s one No. 1 and everybody’s job below that is to define your hero. So everything that I say, every action that I take, I’m there to do that. That’s the relationsh­ip I took with Tom. If I’m working with Julia or whoever I’m working with, I’m always calculatin­g in my mind how to make the protagonis­t whatever the director wants them to be: more likable, funny, et cetera. For example, he could say, ‘I’m going to the store,’ and if I crack up, I’ve

made our hero funny.

“Most people don’t understand that relationsh­ip. They believe that their supporting performanc­e has to get its own shine, they’re trying to get their pound of flesh out if it. I don’t see it that way. People say to me — not infrequent­ly — ‘You’re always so solid in these movies.’ When I’m the No. 2, that’s my job.”

Next up: November’s real-life boxing saga “Bleed for This.” Eckhart will play coach Kevin Rooney to Miles Teller’s comeback sensation Vinny Paz (formerly Pazienza).

“I again play another supporting role,” Eckhart says proudly.

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