The Boyertown Area Times

They stopped making clothes for my age group

- Carole Christman Koch Welcome To My World

I’m upset. I went shopping on Saturday, knowing the stores would have sales. They did. But, in the process of shopping, I found they don’t make clothes for my age group any more.

I first checked the shoe department because I wanted a dressy shoe for a wedding coming up. Needless to say, the 6-inch heels are not my type. Yet, there are times I like to be daring and “just see” what these 6-inch heels look like and try them on.

I found a neat 6-inch heel with “very” long shoe strings. Now I know, the last time I bought a pair of sneaks, I had to cut a few inches of the shoe lace off and knot the ends. I must say, for a few seconds at least, my leg looked thinner when I lifted it in the air with the heel on. Then after having tied the shoe strings a few more inches above the ankle, I stopped. There was so much shoe string left, I was concerned, if I continue, I’d strangle myself.

In the midst of this shoe shopping, I decided the flat shoes at home were much more suitable. I learned a long time ago that I had more fun in my flat shoes than the 4-inch heel that was in style at the time.

Before I left the shoe department, I checked out the sneakers. There, to my amazement, were Five Finger sneakers, the ad stating, they “encourage your feet to stay connected to the ground.” I’m all for that. I decided to “just see” how they felt on my feet.

I’ll grant you I have a pretty big toe, but I had enough of a hard time trying to squish my smaller toes in the little sockets. On top of that, I couldn’t find any kind of extension for my bunion.

Next I headed for the clothes department.

There I found a gorgeous top with a jacket. I took it to the dressing room, peeled off the blouse I had on, and quickly got the blouse under the jacket to put on. To my dismay, the under blouse not only had a hole for the head and the bottom, it had more than 2 arm holes. I struggled till I figured out which were the “right” arm holes.

Before I went shopping, the granddaugh­ters advised me that some tops, even dresses, can be longer on one side or the other. I stay away from clothes that aren’t aligned. I’m afraid if something isn’t lined properly, I’m liable to lose my balance if I wear them.

I learned on my own, to take 4 different sizes into the dressing room. It seems the manufactur­ers never got together to discuss a standard size. These manufactur­es are trying to save on fabric. Everything I tried on were all 4 inches below the belly button.

Same with jeans. They, too, don’t have a standard size. Plus, they have holes in the knees. I can put holes in my jeans myself, I don’t need a manufactur­er to do it for me. And I’m not about to sew patches on them.

I don’t buy dozens of purses any more for the different seasons. I have a “forever” purse for winter and summer. But, I still like to look at purses. There were a number of them that I placed on my shoulder only to have to stoop to open the zipper in them. They must be for tall girls and I’m not tall.

Needless to say, I bought absolutely nothing that day. Perhaps I could design a new line of clothes and call them “Over The Hill” styles by Carole. They stopped making clothes for my age group any more!

Perhaps I could design a new line of clothes and call them “Over The Hill” styles by Carole.

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