The Boyertown Area Times

Church news


St. Luke Lutheran Church 35 WILSON AVE., GILBERTSVI­LLE

Sunday: 8:30 a.m. Adult Bible Study group to discuss the readings of the day. We’ll gather for worship at 9:30a.m. On Sunday we’ll worship and celebrate the third Sunday of Epiphany. Communion will be celebrated. The focus of the day’s worship is the verse: “And he said to them, ‘Follow me, and I will make you fish for people.’” - Matthew 4:19. JAM (Jesus and Me) will be held for children during the worship service, following the Time for Children.

Monday: Christian Education Committee will meet at 7:30p.m. Evangelism Committee will meet at 7 p.m.

Wednesday: Community Clothing Rack will be closed, since it is the fifth Wednesday of the month. Handbell Choir will rehearse at 6:30, and Senior Choir at 7:15 p.m.

Bethany Evangelica­l Lutheran Church


Indoor Flea Market: Feb. 8 from 7a.m. to 1p.m. Tables $10. Contact Kathy at 610-856-7390.

Trinity Lutheran Church


Jan. 26: 3rd Sunday after the Epiphany, 9a.m. Sunday School, 10:15a.m. Worship Service. Worship Assistants will be Greeters Ruth Reinhard and Karen Essig; Ushers Randy Kehl, Mardell Blanford, Karen Irey and Sharon Renninger; Acolyte Ryan Isett; Crucifer Hailey Schildt; Lector Becky Yescavage; Nursery Sharon Renninger.

Jan. 27: 6:30 p.m. Scouts Jan. 28: 6:30 p.m. Cub Scouts

Jan. 29: 6:30 pm Sr. Choir Practice

Jan. 30: 6:30p.m. TLC Stitchers.

Pork & Sauerkraut Dinner: Jan. 25from 4to 6p.m. at St. Paul’s, Douglassvi­lle. Dinner is $10, $5 for children. Menu includes pork, sauerkraut, mashed potatoes, applesauce, dessert and beverages. This dinner will benefit the Mission Trip.

Youth Group Planning Meeting: Feb. 9 following worship for all adults and youth interested in participat­ing in the youth group. Come with fun-fresh ideas. Includes lunch, “Make Your Own Pizza”. For more informatio­n, see Pastor Gene, Jenn MacDonald or Fred Isett.

Quarts of Chicken Pot Pie: still available for $4, see Fred Isett.

Scout Troop 511 Hoagie Sales: 3rd Tuesdays. Place orders 2nd Tuesday of the month. $5each. Ham, turkey, Italian or Cheese as well as lettuce, onion, tomato, sides hot peppers or sweet peppers, Italian or mayo packets. To volunteer and to order as a new person, contact Kitty Isett. Pick up at the old store.

In the event of inclement winter weather, news of cancellati­ons or postponeme­nts of church activities will be posted on Channel 69, and www. trinitybec­

Christ Lutheran Church


Jan. 26: worship with us on this the Third Sunday after Epiphany at our morning worship service beginning at 9a.m. The Youth of the Congregati­on will lead the congregati­on in the worship service, present the children’s sermon and the sermon for the morning. Before the worship service (8:30a.m.), you are invited to join in Coffee & Conversati­on in the Welcome Center. There will be a Coffee Hour immediatel­y following the worship service in the Welcome Center to congratula­te the youth on a job well done in leading worship. Confirmati­on will meet at 10:15 a.m. in room I. Adult Sunday School class will be held in the parlor at 10:15 a.m. Those ministerin­g at this service are Acolyte; Youth, Lectors: Youth, Assisting Minister; Denise Hoffman, and Ushers/ Greeter; Youth.

Jan. 26: Church Council will meet at 7p.m. in the parlor for their monthly meeting.

Jan. 27: Handbell Choir will rehearse at 6:30p.m. followed by the Senior Choir at 7:30p.m.

Jan. 30: Girl Scouts will meet at 6:30p.m. in the social hall. St. John (Hill) UCC 620 Hill Church Road, Boyertown

Scrapbook Saturday: March 28 from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Minimum table size is 4’x2½’. Cost is $25 payable to St. John (Hill) Women’s Guild which includes one meal. Food will also be available for purchase. Registrati­on form available at www. stjohnhill­ Complete form and return to St. John (Hill) UCC, 620 Hill Church Road, Boyertown, PA 19512 Attn: Scrapbook Saturday by March 1. For additional informatio­n, contact Tracy Kochey at 610-473-0322 or Nancy Weller at 610-367-8114.

Good Shepherd UCC


Jan. 26: Pastor Matthew Hoover will deliver the message at the 7:45a.m. and 10:20a.m. services (nursery available at second service); all are welcome. 209th Annual Congregati­onal Meeting at 11:30a.m., followed by luncheon; all welcome. Christian Journeys at 7 p.m. in Chapel; all welcome. Monday: Boy Scouts at 7p.m. Tuesday: Walnut Woods Communion at 9:30 a.m.; all welcome. Prayer Team at 4p.m.

Wednesday: Shepherd’s Café from 11:30a.m. to 12:30p.m.; all are welcome to come in out of the cold for a hot lunch and pay as you are able. Senior Choir Rehearsal at 7 p.m.

Music program: Cherub, Youth & Senior Choir, Cantata Choir, Orchestra and Handbells; all welcome. Groups who meet regularly: Youth, Relay for Life Teams, Le Leche and multiple quilting groups; call the office at 610367-2842 for more informatio­n.

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