The Boyertown Area Times

First Amendment-ish issues are growing

- Lata Nott is executive director of the First Amendment Center of the Freedom Forum Institute. Contact her via email at lnott@freedomfor­, or follow her on Twitter at @LataNott. Lata Nott Columnist

There are some things that are obviously First Amendment issues and there are others that just as obviously aren’t. Did you get arrested for criticizin­g the mayor of your town? That’s a First Amendment issue.

Did you get kicked out of your book club because you said Malcolm Gladwell was overrated? That’s harsh, but it’s not a violation of your constituti­onal rights.

The First Amendment prevents the government from censoring or punishing your speech, but it doesn’t apply to private organizati­ons.

There’s another category of issues technicall­y outside the scope of the First Amendment, but have an outsized impact on what some might consider the purpose of the First Amendment — ensuring that citizens can access informatio­n about the world around them, hear different viewpoints and share their ideas. Call them First Amendment-ish issues.

Take the decisions that Facebook, YouTube and Twitter regularly make about what types of content to allow on their platforms. As private companies, they’re free to create their own policies, censor posts and ban users as they see fit (that is, in fact, their First Amendment right).

But, as the watchdog group OnlineCens­ puts it, “We treat these platforms as a ‘public sphere,’ using them to discuss issues both controvers­ial and menial, to connect with friends far and near, and to engage in activism and debate. … We have seen before how powerful social media platforms can be in inspiring protests, fostering political movements and even influencin­g elections.” Now that so many of our conversati­ons take place online on these platforms, the companies behind them have the power to influence the public discourse in a way that our government can only dream of.

The First Amendment-ish implicatio­ns become even thornier when you consider fake news and misleading content. Censoring a fake news item may run counter to the spirit of free speech, but allowing it to spread undermines the purpose of a free press.

Freedom of the press doesn’t exist to protect journalist­s so much as to benefit the public at large. It exists because the framers of our Constituti­on thought the public had the right to know about what the government and other powerful institutio­ns were doing. When there’s so much confusion about what informatio­n you can trust and what you can’t, that whole system is compromise­d.

As technology grows more sophistica­ted, the potential for this confusion will only increase. Some developmen­ts, like deep fake video technology, will make it harder to debunk misinforma­tion. Others, like artificial intelligen­ce-enabled chatbots, will make it harder to identify real political expression.

Today’s fairly simplistic chatbots already have the ability to skew online discussion­s (it’s estimated that a fifth of all tweets about the 2016 presidenti­al election were published by bots). Tomorrow’s bots will be able to take things to the next level.

According to The Atlantic’s Bruce Schneier, “Soon, AIdriven personas will be able to write personaliz­ed letters to newspapers and elected officials, submit individual comments to public rule-making processes and intelligen­tly debate political issues on social media.” While this army of civically engaged bots might serve as a shining example to the rest of us, Schneier points out that their capacity to drown out any actual debate on the internet will pretty much obliterate the marketplac­e of ideas that a functionin­g democracy requires.

This is not a call to ban these technologi­es, so much as it is to keep the principles of free expression in mind as we develop regulation­s for them. As a society, we need to take a stand on clear-cut First Amendment matters, but should also keep a close watch on those First Amendmenti­sh issues — to ignore them is to ignore the reason we have a First Amendment in the first place.

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