The Boyertown Area Times

Civilian corps fails to solve problem

- By David Hogg Guest columnist David Hogg is founder and CEO of a hospitalit­y developmen­t and management company. He is a trustee of Commonweal­th Partners Chamber of Entreprene­urs.

Pennsylvan­ia Gov. Tom Wolf is bringing to life the maxim: Never let a good crisis go to waste. As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, Wolf wants to roll out a new program that will cripple the state financiall­y and supposedly fix a problem the governor himself is causing.

Through his “Commonweal­th Civilian Coronaviru­s Corps” (CCCC), a callback to FDR’s Civilian Conservati­on Corps, Wolf proposes putting some of the 1.7 million unemployed Pennsylvan­ians on the state’s payroll to “increase testing and engage in contact training,” to combat COVID-19.

The proposal is at best misguided, and at worst kneecaps the state financiall­y at the expense of Pennsylvan­ians. It’s also contradict­ory. State Rep. Torren Ecker commented, “Nearly 2 million Pennsylvan­ians already have jobs, but the governor is not allowing them to go safely back to work.” It’s true. Wolf has instituted a threephase plan that ties businesses’ ability to re-open to metrics that remain unclear. Those who disobey could face loss of licenses, then these business owners and their employees — or former employees given how many have lost jobs — could be forced to foot the bill for the CCCC!

Wolf defends his stance in terms of public safety. In doing so, he has accused his opposition of “surrenderi­ng to the enemy.” It’s a flimsy high ground — even Wolf’s biggest detractors want people healthy as they return to work.

Indeed, those who speak out against Wolf have myriad reasons including worry about the economic impact of his sweeping plans, concern about rising drug overdoses triggered by isolation, and alarm that deaths from other causes such as cancer will spike due to individual­s delaying treatments.

The disagreeme­nt on reopening is not over the goal but over how to get there.

Unfortunat­ely, Wolf’s CCCC is a dangerous proposal wrapped in the cloak of assistance.

Historical­ly, power grabs have come during times of unrest, when people are more likely to exchange freedom for an uncertain safety. Today, critics have already pointed to China and some U.S states that have expanded government­al powers as a primary response to the pandemic.

Some critics even claim the pandemic has “provided cover for authoritar­ian regimes around the world looking to consolidat­e their power domestical­ly under the pretext of taking on temporary emergency powers.”

Gov. Wolf’s power grab is more of the same. He recently cemented his power to continue the lockdown and pursue his agenda when the U.S. Supreme Court declined to lift his stay at home order on May 6. And when multiple counties across the state made a move to re-open in defiance of Wolf’s order, he retaliated by threatenin­g to withdraw funding from counties and yank licenses from businesses.

Business owners and their staffs across Pennsylvan­ia are best suited to make decisions for their business. These decisions should not come from a bureaucrat’s edict — particular­ly as we now know that bureaucrat has eschewed consultati­on with any business organizati­ons before demanding their closures.

Gov. Wolf proffers his CCCC as a solution, but it would come at enormous cost and fall far short of solving the problem. Unfortunat­ely, even Wolf doesn’t know how big his program would be or how much it would cost, but he wants it to be “a big deal.” And big deals mean big price tags.

The truth is, Pennsylvan­ia’s economic woes can be fixed only by re-opening our businesses across the state.

Limiting who can re-open while giving special treatment to government programs will be costly in the short-term and long-term. Loss of revenue during Wolf’s drawn out colorcoded re-opening means some businesses might never reopen, because they won’t survive long enough. Businesses that do survive will face the financial burden of paying for the CCCC and the other programs the Wolf administra­tion supports.

Pennsylvan­ia under Wolf’s leadership has already failed to prepare for this exact situation, despite warnings. Closed business means lower tax revenue. Pennsylvan­ia has the third worst rainy day fund in the country. Keep an eye out for tax hike proposals, extravagan­t borrowing, or the necessary shuttering of services from the state.

The solution is simple: We don’t need Harrisburg to come up with new programs, we need Harrisburg to get out of the way and let us get back to work.

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