The Capital

Spalding’s concerns

- TheCapital,

In Susan Mays’ letter concerning the Old Mill High School problem onNewCut Road, she claims that Archbishop Spalding High School’s administra­tion objects to a public school because they dislike public schools and/or their students (

June 20). You would never hear such an objectiona­ble comment from Spalding’s administra­tion, who are unbelievab­ly concerned about the education and safety of all children.

The biggest objection here is safety. Currently, Spalding’s students are either dropped off and picked up by parents/ grandparen­ts or drive themselves. The addition of 15-20 school buses across the road from Spalding as our students are leaving will create a nightmare of traffic problems. While it is true that the County Councilman Michael Peroutka’s family has donated to Spalding, so have thousands of Spalding parents, grandparen­ts and alumni and we have no ax to grind other than the safety of our students.

Keep in mind, that every Spalding student’s parents and grandparen­ts have paid tuition for our children to attend this school becausewe believe it is the absolute best school for our young people. We could have chosen a public school or anynumber of other private schools.

At the same time that we paid tuition, we continued to pay our taxes to Anne Arundel County and the state ofMaryland and Spalding’s alumni have as well. Spalding has been there for 50 years, that’s a lot of tax money. County Executive Steve Schuh and County Council should consider that. NANCY KLASMEIER Glen Burnie

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