The Capital

Cancer patients and fertility

Some states act to safeguard chances of having children

- By Michelle Andrews Kaiser Health

When Katherine Frega was diagnosed with Hodgkin lymphoma eight years ago at age 17, she was so sick that all she could focus on was starting chemothera­py to treat her aggressive blood cancer. It was her dad who thought to ask the oncologist, “How is this treatment going to affect her ability to have children?”

The oncologist discussed the risks but stressed that Frega needed to start treatment right away.

The question of fertility is often overlooked when young cancer patients are battling a life-threatenin­g illness. And because health insurance doesn’t typically cover fertility preservati­on care, patients and their families may be deterred by the cost.

But a growing number of states now require plans to cover such services when medically necessary treatment jeopardize­s fertility.

Treatment for cancer and other serious conditions involves toxic chemothera­py drugs, radiation and surgery that can cause infertilit­y in women and men.

The cost to freeze patients’ healthy eggs, sperm or embryos for future use can be a major barrier, said Dr. Eden Cardozo, a reproducti­ve endocrinol­ogist and director of the fertility preservati­on program at the Women & Infants Fertility Center in Providence, R.I.

“(Patients) have to move quickly,” she said. “They don’t have time to raise funds from family and friends. They don’t have time to petition their insurance company.”

Reproducti­ve health advocates argue that fertility preservati­on should be viewed as a core component of cancer care in younger people, not as an optional infertilit­y offering.

New laws in Illinois, Delaware and Maryland require plans to include this benefit. The requiremen­t in Illinois and Maryland starts in 2019. Connecticu­t and Rhode Island passed similar laws last year.

The state measures don’t apply to companies that are self-funded, meaning they pay their employee claims directly rather than buying state-regulated insurance policies for that purpose. They also don’t apply to government-funded programs such as Medicaid or the military’s Tricare program. Although freezing sperm and embryos has been common medical practice for decades, egg freezing was considered experiment­al by profession­al groups until 2012. As the technology has improved, the need for insurance coverage has grown, said Joyce Reinecke, executive director of the Alliance for Fertility Preservati­on, an advocacy group for cancer patients.

When Frega’s cancer didn’t respond to chemothera­py, her doctors recommende­d a bone marrow transplant in January 2012. Even if her eggs hadn’t been damaged by the chemothera­py, the transplant would likely cause permanent infertilit­y, she was told. So Frega took hormones to stimulate her ovaries to produce more eggs, among other things, and seven were retrieved during an outpatient procedure days before her transplant.

Frega’s parents paid $10,000 for the medication­s and egg retrieval, a significan­t amount but less than what many pay. They were aided by Livestrong Fertility, a nonprofit group that provides access to discounted fertility preservati­on services for cancer patients who meet income guidelines.

Frega has good insurance through her mother’s employer plan. “They covered everything else, except for this,” she said. “They considered it not medically necessary.”

Cancer-free following two bone marrow transplant­s, Frega, now 25, is a third-year medical student at the Upstate Medical University in Syracuse, N.Y. She plans to specialize in oncology.

Between 20 and 70 percent of cancer patients experience some degree of fertility impairment, according to Cardozo in Rhode Island. People with other conditions such as lupus and rheumatoid arthritis who are treated with chemothera­py drugs may be affected, as may patients with conditions such as endometrio­sis who require surgery.

Despite the much-ballyhooed examples of tech companies like Facebook, Apple and Google that offer egg freezing as an employee perk, cryopreser­vation, as it’s called, isn’t a typical employee benefit.

Only 6 percent of large companies with 500 or more workers offer egg freezing for employees or their spouses, according to the 2017 annual employer survey by benefits consultant Mercer. About a quarter cover in vitro fertilizat­ion. Forty-four percent of large employers don’t offer any infertilit­y services, the survey found.

Men face the same infertilit­y risk when they need cancer treatment.

When Blake Hornbrook, an Army medic at Fort Campbell, Ky., had surgery to remove a cancerous testicle in the fall of 2015, he and his wife, Kelsey, were stationed in Germany. Hornbrook, then 26, looked into fertility preservati­on while overseas, but the annual storage fee of 1,000 euros (about $1,150) deterred the couple.

Hornbrook required a second surgery several months later to see if the cancer had spread to his lymph nodes. The couple returned to the United States and drove directly from the airport to a sperm bank in Fairfax, Va. It cost roughly $400 for the initial appointmen­t to provide a sperm specimen and store it, Hornbrook said.

Tricare covered Hornbrook’s cancer treatment, but it didn’t pay for fertility preservati­on or for IVF, which he estimated cost the couple $6,500 in clinic fees. Tricare provided discounts on some of the fertility drugs.

Their daughter, Harper, was born seven months ago, and Hornbrook’s cancer remains in remission.

For young cancer patients, the cost of storing the eggs or sperm that have been preserved can add up. Even if a state has a fertility preservati­on law, it typically doesn’t cover those costs, Reinecke said.

The Hornbrooks pay $480 annually to store his sperm and $375 to store their remaining embryos. Frega pays $1,000 annually to store her eggs.

Frega hopes to be able to conceive naturally and knowing she has frozen eggs available is “relieving, but also anxiety-producing,” she said. If she can’t get pregnant later on, she may have to pay $10,000 or more for IVF as well. “That’s what lies ahead,” she said.

Sixteen states require insurers to offer or cover infertilit­y services to some extent, according to infertilit­y advocacy organizati­on Resolve. Requiremen­ts vary: Insurers may have to cover diagnosis or testing for infertilit­y, for example, but not treatments like in vitro fertilizat­ion or fertility medication­s, said Barbara Collura, president and CEO of Resolve.

Typically, state infertilit­y coverage laws require couples to try to get pregnant for a year or two before they’re eligible for insurance coverage of IVF or other treatments.

That requiremen­t makes little sense for patients trying to preserve their fertility before undergoing medically necessary cancer or other treatment.

“These people aren’t infertile,” Collura said. “They need to undergo some sort of interventi­on that is going to impair their future fertility, and what we say is that if it’s medically necessary, they should have a right to have it covered.”

 ?? BLAKE HORNBROOK ?? Blake Hornbrook, an Army medic who was diagnosed with testicular cancer in 2015, had his sperm preserved so that he and his wife, Kelsey, could conceive a child. Their daughter, Harper, was born earlier this year.
BLAKE HORNBROOK Blake Hornbrook, an Army medic who was diagnosed with testicular cancer in 2015, had his sperm preserved so that he and his wife, Kelsey, could conceive a child. Their daughter, Harper, was born earlier this year.
 ?? KATHERINE FREGA ?? In 2012, Katherine Frega had a bone marrow transplant, which could cause infertilit­y. She had her eggs retrieved and frozen, but her insurance wouldn’t pay for the services.
KATHERINE FREGA In 2012, Katherine Frega had a bone marrow transplant, which could cause infertilit­y. She had her eggs retrieved and frozen, but her insurance wouldn’t pay for the services.

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