The Capital

Plastic foam ban good to consider on Earth Day


A significan­t portion of the junk that clogged Chesapeake Bay creeks and streams last summer after massive rains flooded down the Susquehann­a River was plastic foam.

A ubiquitous pollutant, plastic foam breaks down into pieces but isn’t considered biodegrada­ble. It easily finds itsway into the food chain.

Last summer’s deluge of plastic came just a few months after Anne Arundel County failed to adopt a ban on the plastic packaging commonly used in food services. It couldn’t have helped then-county-executive Steve Schuh’s reelection bid when photos of him picking up the mess— if not actually plastic foam cups and plates — appeared so recently after he vetoed a countywide ban.

Within quick succession, Annapolis adopted a ban of its own. A change of viewpoint on the issue took place in county government, with the election of County Executive Steuart Pittman and a new Democratic majority on the County Council.

Councilwom­an Lisa Rodvien authored and pushed through a county ban. That made Anne Arundel the third county in Maryland to adopt a ban, following Montgomery and Prince George’s counties.

But still, doubters said, without a wider ban, local efforts wouldn’ t amount to much — and then the General Assembly adopted the idea.

The state is set to become the first in the country to forbid restaurant­s, coffee shops and grocery stores from using most foam products — cups, plates, bowls and clamshell containers— effective July 1, 2020. Violators would face fines up to $250.

The legislatio­n faces a potential veto from Gov. Larry Hogan, who has not publicly taken a stance on it. A spokesman said the Republican executive was reviewing it.

But because a supermajor­ity of the General Assembly approved it, any veto is likely to be overridden.

The law doesn’t banish all forms of foam withinMary­land borders. Grocers still would be allowed to sell eggs and fresh meat, fish or poultry packaged in or on foam trays, though they could not sell foam cups or plates.

There remain questions about the costs of this ban. Small businesses, particular­ly mom and pop food businesses, will struggle to find a costeffect­ive replacemen­t for some time.

And on top of the move to a $15 an hour minimum wage, the criticism that Maryland can seem business unfriendly will be heard loud and clear for some time.

It’s also not clear how well this will work because surroundin­g states, well no other states, have similar measures. Hawaii is considerin­g it.

We believe, however, this change represents an opportunit­y as well as good news for the environmen­t. By removing plastic foam from before others, the state could find itself a leader in developing technology and businesses that will play a key role in replacing a problem pollutant.

It’s good news to consider on Earth Day.

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