The Capital

Trump and the Navy

- Retired Capt. ROBERT W. KELLY Coast Guard Reserve Annapolis

Americans have become accustomed to knowing that our military is the best trained, equipped and discipline­d in the world. The admirable discipline displayed by our forces is due, in part, to the independen­ce, integrity and quality of our Military Justice System.

Service members know that if they violate the Uniform Code of Military Justice they will be dealt with but they also know that they will be treated fairly and impartiall­y. That is, until the past few months.

President Donald Trump prides himself on shattering institutio­ns and the latest victim is the Military Justice System. He apparently believes that he can curry favor with veterans and military personnel by granting pardons to military members who have been accused of and/or convicted of war crimes. I believe that nothing can be further from the truth. Most veterans and service members will have no truck with those who bring dishonor upon the uniform.

Further, Trump’s ouster of the Secretary of the Navy for opposing his insistence that a convicted Navy SEAL be allowed to retire with his SEAL status intact sends a dangerous message to our forces. His reverence for “tough guys” belies his juvenile understand­ing of the military ethos and appears based on cartoons, comic books and Rambo movies; bearing no credible resemblanc­e to reality.

I know a little bit about this. I am a former Judge Advocate General officer with numerous courts martial under my belt. I also served as a deputy assistant secretary of Defense and signed off on deployment orders sending our service members to dangerous places. I always did so with the confidence of knowing that our people would do the right thing because their training and doctrine were grounded in the principles of good order and discipline.

I fear that the person fulfilling my former role during these tumultuous days may no longer have that luxury.

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