The Capital

Hogan reveals his priorities for education spending plan

$130M will help to expand pre-K, increase services for schools with poor families


Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan announced his plans Friday for increased funding for public schools for the next two years, almost all of it money that state law requires him to spend on education.

Hogan, a Republican, said in a statement that he plans to spend $130 million over the next two years to fund an expansion of prekinderg­arten and for “concentrat­ion of poverty” grants that would pay for health profession­als and community coordinato­rs in schools with high numbers of students from poor families.

Maryland’s Democratic-led legislatur­e approved a bill earlier this year called the “Blueprint for Maryland’s Future” that requires additional spending on those two programs, as well as others, for three years. Hogan allowed the bill to become law without his signature.

“Last session, the Maryland Senate unanimousl­y passed the Blueprint for Maryland’s Future, and I am pleased to see it being implemente­d,” said Sen. Bill Ferguson, the incoming Senate president, in a statement responding to the governor’s announceme­nt.

The governor’s staff explained the Blueprint bill dictates exactly how most of the additional education money is to be spent, but some of it is not allocated to specific programs. Hogan is choosing to spend some of that unallocate­d money on preschool and the poverty grants, said Mike Ricci, Hogan’s spokesman.

“With this funding, we are reaffirmin­g our commitment to provide increased investment for our schools, more accountabi­lity for Maryland parents, teachers and taxpayers, and most importantl­y, better results for our children,” Hogan said in his statement.

Del. Eric Luedtke the majority leader for Democrats in the House of Delegates, suggested the governor is promoting his plan as more expansive than it is.

“I’m glad the governor is spending the money we mandated he spend,” said Luedtke, a Montgomery County Democrat. “The idea that this is going to do much to address the deep-seated problems we have in a lot of our schools is laughable. It is one small piece of a much bigger issue.” Ricci defended the governor’s proposal. “The governor’s job is to submit a budget that sets priorities,” Ricci said. “Mr. Luedtke seems to resent the fact that the governor is setting pre-K and Concentrat­ion of Poverty Grants as priorities. It’s a debate we certainly welcome.”

The only portion of the governor’s plan that would be new funding is a bill to spend $1 million to cover the costs of Advanced Placement testing for high school students. The money would pay for 25,000 AP exams. The governor’s office did not offer further details on which students would qualify for the free AP tests.

The governor’s plans fall short of the sweeping education reforms recommende­d by the state’s Kirwan Commission, which has studied how to improve Maryland’s public schools.

Its recommenda­tions include a variety of programs in addition to the prekinderg­arten and poverty grants, such as increasing teacher pay and training, improving career readiness for high school students and reworking the formulas that dictate how much the state and counties spend on schools.

The commission’s recommenda­tions come with a large price tag: By the time they would be phased in 10 years from now, the state would be spending $2.8 billion more per year and local government­s would be spending $1.2 billion per year, for a total of $4 billion in additional education spending.

Hogan has blasted the panel, calling it the “Kirwan Tax Hike Commission” and insisting the only way to pay for the additional spending is significan­t, across-the-board tax increases.

Democratic lawmakers have said they intend to endorse the Kirwan recommenda­tions and find sources of money to help pay for them during the 2020 General Assembly session.

In the 2019 session, lawmakers passed the “Blueprint” bill as a way of kick-starting some of the Kirwan proposals.

Hogan announced other education proposals last week.

He said he would sponsor a bill that would pay for more school constructi­on projects by issuing bonds that would be paid off using a portion of casino revenues dedicated to education.

Democratic lawmakers have put forward a similar proposal.

Hogan is promoting a new program for turning around low-rated public schools called the “CLASS Act,” which stands for the “Community and Local Accountabi­lity for Struggling Schools Act.” Under the program, poorly performing schools would be designated as “innovation schools” and receive flexibilit­y to develop an improvemen­t plan, under close oversight. Education advocates said the state already has a similar program for low-performing schools.

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