The Capital

Strathmore for Annapolis?


Having just attended back-to-back presentati­ons of the Annapolis Symphony at Maryland Hall for the Creative Arts and Strathmore, something has become clear to me. Annapolis deserves a well-designed performing arts center.

Our symphony, opera and ballet all operate in well-intentione­d but substandar­d facilities. They are not alone in their plight. The state’s capital lacks a venue for blues, hip hop, rock or any major performanc­e event and the accompanyi­ng economic impact.

The Sydney Opera House long ago demonstrat­ed the transforma­tive power of such a facility, as is Strathmore at a lower level.

Why not scale something for our footprint, help showcase an outstandin­g talent base, and further economic developmen­t in the process? FRED STIELOW Annapolis

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