The Capital



Predictive policing

The very idea of utilizing a computer to predict where crimesmay occur is prepostero­us and fraught with all sorts of problems and issues ( The Capital, Dec. 22). Annapolis is a small city with a very limited budget.

The people in charge can’t even provide a balanced budget, but the taxpayers should pony up even more money to fund some crazy idea? Is there no end to this madness?

The proper way to police a city, such as Annapolis, is by employing well- trained, well- discipline­d police officers. Give them good solid equipment and technology that is both practical and useful. Always being mindful that such technologi­es are not a good substitute for good old- fashioned policework. The kind that brings communitie­s together versus dividing them.

I caution the city in employing any type of technologi­es that may create serious division and further an already divided city. Let the police do their jobs without further tying their hands by relying on computers to predict where criminal activities may occur. Itwon’twork. PETER MOSES



I suggest you not define Antifa as “the umbrella term used to describe leftist groups that protest neo- Nazism and white supremacy, sometimes through violent means” as was done in the story on Midshipman Chase Standage. ( The Capital, Dec. 24).

This constructi­on suggests that Antifa is a widely accepted, standard term to describe protesters against neo- Nazism and white supremacy. On the contrary, the term is commonly used as a dog whistle label for any protest with which the user disagrees, whether violent or a peaceful exercise of the protesters’ constituti­onal rights of assembly and free speech.

Whenused as an “umbrella term” for all leftist groups, it ignores the commitment ofmany leftist groups to non- violence. The context in The Capital suggests that this is justhowitw­as used in the offensive tweets by Standage. Don’t dress up hate speech by giving it an undeserved respectabl­e umbrella.




Try these rules:

1. Only allow entry through a host/ hostess

2. Only allow entry to cohabitati­ng couples and nuclear families, and all must be seated at tables up to50% legal capacity.

I’ve spoken with several restaurate­urs who indicate that these groups represent a high percentage of their regular patrons.

I spoke — through email — with a representa­tive of the Centers for Disease Control who indicated that these measures should significan­tly reduce the spread of the coronaviru­s in our eateries. Hey, can’t hurt to try. DAVIDSHINE­MAN Annapolis

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