The Capital

Online play delivers deep deductions

- Win at Bridge Phillip Alder

Not only have many of us been playing more bridge than usual, but also it has mostly been at Bridge Base Online. What do you gain fromthese games?

They allowyou to stretch your brain, iron out kinks in your partnershi­p bidding and signaling methods, and occasional­ly throwup instructiv­e points. Thisweek, let’s look at deals in which Iwas involved.

What do you think of the bidding? How would you play in three no- trump after West leads a fourth- highest club seven: heart five, club queen, ace?

South really ought to pass over three diamonds. Even though partner has a textbook preempt, game is theoretica­lly impossible. At BBO, though, eight out of 13 Souths did shoot out three no- trump, four passed, and one jumped to five diamonds. Seven of those in three no- trump took their eight winners and conceded down one.

The last player— guess who!— decided that itwasworth the risk of extra undertrick­s to hope for a misdefense. I led the diamond king and, whenWest followed suit, I overtook withdummy’s ace. Then I played a lowspade.

Luckily, I had an opponent who is a signed- up member of the second hand lowclub. He let me sneak a spade tomy king and nine tricks in all.

Afterward, Iwondered if I should have risked a 4- 0 diamond break by first playingmy lowdiamond todummy’s jack, to avoid advertisin­gmy king. But when declarer seems to be trying to sneak a ninth trick, don’t let him. Here, if East had won the first spade, I could have gone down four!

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