The Capital

Good Defense Is Heartwarmi­ng


William Blake, an English poet, painter and engraver, wrote, “When I tell any truth, it is not for the sake of convincing those who do not know it, but for the sake of defending those who do.”

I hope this deal correctly describes the defense by East and West against five clubs. What did they do?

The auction contained a few debatable choices. West opened one heart because, not unreasonab­ly, he thought his hand was too good for a four- heart opening. ( If he had opened four, and the opponents had entered the auction, he would have doubled to tell his partner that he thought he could win 10 tricks and was not making an out- and- out pre- empt.) East responded with a weak jump shift, dangerousl­y leaping with no known fit. South, holding 16 points, overcalled three clubs despite only a five- card suit. West, warned by his partner’s response, settled for three hearts. North clearly took his partner’s bid very seriously ( and might have bid three no- trump, which could have been made). He cue- bid and still went to game when partner signed off.

West led the spade ace, and East signaled with his queen as a suit- preference signal for hearts. Getting the message, West shifted to the heart king. East ruffed away dummy’s ace and gave

WIN AT BRIDGE Phillip Alder his partner a spade ruff. West cashed the heart queen and continued with the heart two so that partner would ruff dummy’s jack. The defenders still had a diamond trick to come for down three and 100% of the matchpoint­s.

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