The Capital



Merely stating Jan. 6, 2021 was a turbulent day in our history would be a gross understate­ment. Rather it was an attack on our beloved democracy that we have cherished for over 240 years.

I for one believe it was a serious movement to take down our democracy. Thiswas nothing less than an insurrecti­on thatwas incited by the very president who pledged to “protect and defend the Constituti­on of the United States of America.”

Jan. 6 should not be a surprise to anyone who has objectivel­y witnessed the lies and conspiracy theories that have been spewed by President Donald Trump and members of his inner circle for the past four years. To be clear, this is a culminatio­n of a failed administra­tion that would use any means possible to reverse a fair and accurate election.

Trump incited riots on the streets of Washington and on our Capitol. Our country has been hurt domestical­ly and internatio­nally. Our democracy is viewed as a failure by our adversarie­s and they will, no doubt, capitalize on our failures.

Trump has his minions do his bidding and then calls them traitors when they don’t show100% loyalty, 100% of the time. After five deaths, including a police officer, he accepts no blame. Then for the sole purpose of protecting his own hide, he does a180 and calls for calm and a peaceful transition of power. Really?

Finally, we must prosecute the thugs responsibl­e for five deaths and the desecratio­n of the Capitol to the fullest extent of the law. We must also have a “911 like” commission to determine how we strengthen the infrastruc­tures of the very institutio­ns that represent our democracy, such as the Capitol, White House, Supreme Court and other bastions of democracy.

And don’t forget the power of prayer. We should all pray for our country and for the success of the Biden Administra­tion. Our country must return to its position as a beacon of democracy in the world - that “Shining City on a Hill.”



President Trump

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