The Capital

Welcome to the roaring ’20s?

- Jill Schlesinge­r Jill on Money Jill Schlesinge­r, CFP, is a CBS News business analyst. A former options trader and CIO of an investment advisory firm, she welcomes comments and questions at askjill@jillonmone­ Check her website at www.jillonmone­

Economists, often referred to as “the dismal scientists,” are teetering on ebullience about the future. The upbeat assessment­s come with the usual abundance of caveats (“the economic path will be determined by the ability to quell the virus,” “not every sector will be back on its feet by the summer”), but the combinatio­n of accelerate­d vaccine distributi­on, trillions of dollars of emergency federal spending, warm weather, pent-up demand and low interest rates equals a new roaring ’20s for the U.S. economy.

A recent data point that supported the optimism came in the form of the government’s January Personal Income and Spending report. The latest round of $600 stimulus checks, along with the resumption of supplement­al federal unemployme­nt benefits, translated into a 10% month-over-month increase in income. With spending fairly contained, the personal savings rate shot up to 20.5%, the highest since the spring.

“The moral of the story,” says Grant Thornton chief economist Diane Swonk, “is that stimulus checks are extremely quick to hit consumer wallets, which is important in getting money to those who need it most.”

It also shows that the economy is still in need of assistance. Without the $900 billion that Congress voted on in December, “the economy would be limping along,” economist Joel Naroff says.

Just a month ago, the consensus estimate for U.S. growth was more than 4% this year, which would be the strongest pace in two decades. With a good chunk of the Biden plan likely to pass through the budget reconcilia­tion process, many are now looking for growth to jump by 6-7% this year, which would be the best rate since the mid-1980s.

Naroff adds that the totality of emergency rescue and Federal Reserve asset purchases has been able to “overcome the negative impacts of the pandemic. By sometime during the summer, we should have wiped out all of the economic decline, and GDP will have returned to where it was at the end of 2019. That is impressive.”

The economy recovering lost ground does not mean all is well for everyone. Research from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York underscore­s that fact.

Lower-wage workers (those who earn less than $30,000 annually) often employed as food servers, cashiers, home health aides and child care workers “have borne much more of the brunt of job losses during the pandemic than higher-wage workers.”

Meanwhile, lower middle-wage workers ($30,000 to $50,000 a year), such as administra­tive assistants, hairdresse­rs, carpenters and truck drivers, and upper middle-wage workers ($50,000 to $85,000), such as teachers, police officers, accountant­s and financial managers, have seen jobs vanish. Compare that with employment among high-wage workers (more than $85,000) like software developers, engineers, lawyers and business executives, which is now slightly above where it was before the pandemic hit because they have been able to telecommut­e.

The suffering for lower-wage earners should be addressed with the new round of stimulus. But there is some concern that the size of the package may be more than the economy actually needs — and, as a result, we could see prices rise.

In his testimony before Congress in February, Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell did not seem particular­ly worried. While acknowledg­ing that prices will likely rise this year, he said that if things overheat, the Fed has “the tools to deal with it.”

Naroff asks, “Which mistake would you prefer making, spending too little and having a substandar­d economy, or spending too much and possibly creating higher-than-desired inflation?” In his view, the Fed can control inflation “but as we saw during the 2010s, too little stimulus leads to growth that doesn’t make many households feel very good.”

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