The Capital

Drug bill veto was about politics, not health care

- By Jessie Dunleavy Annapolis resident Jessie Dunleavy is the author of “Cover My Dreams in Ink” and an advocate for change in drug laws. Her website is jessiedunl­

Parapherna­lia decriminal­ization — a bill repealing the prohibitio­n of items associated with drug use — passed in both houses of the Maryland General Assembly.

Knowing it wasn’t easy to win enough favorable votes, this triumph evoked pride in our legislativ­e process. Thoroughly researched and well-presented, the persuasive facts carried the day.

My spirits soared — the greater good had prevailed! Until that is, Gov. Larry Hogan, despite the support of our legislator­s and the Maryland State Medical Society, vetoed the bill.

There are countries where drugs have been decriminal­ized and states such as Oregon that have followed suit, but Maryland’s bill didn’t refute the criminaliz­ation of drugs, it sought only to stop arrests for the possession of parapherna­lia — a syringe, a pipe, or even such items as a straw or a lighter.

I believe we arrest too many people, and that consequenc­es for those who do not violate the rights of others undermine vulnerable people’s capacity to take care of themselves. Just knowing that our country’s mass incarcerat­ion has grown to break world records, while our rates of addictions and overdose deaths have done the same, I am hardpresse­d to identify the value of so many arrests.

Therefore, it makes sense to eliminate those who are not in possession of a drug, but for whom we infer the intention to break the law.

A deeper dive into the more substantiv­e issues reveals that current practices, beyond the long-term impact on employment, schooling, and other human rights, create a barrier to that which is most crucial — health care and the related services that have proven to make a difference in saving lives.

Syringe service programs, for example, are endorsed by the World Health Organizati­on and the American Medical Associatio­n because the scientific consensus is irrefutabl­e. They reduce by 50% the transmissi­on of infectious diseases such as HIV, and program participan­ts are five times more likely than non-participan­ts to seek treatment. These programs are inexpensiv­e and do not encourage drug use or crime.

The full realizatio­n of these benefits is dependent on people trusting that they can access these services without risking arrest. While syringe service programs are legal in Maryland, availabili­ty throughout the state is spotty, creating much confusion for everyone involved.

What we have is addiction experts throughout the land urging the bold expansion of syringe access and, at the same time, police arresting people for possession of a clean syringe.

In sum, we have a law that says syringe programs are legal, and another law — politicall­y, not scientific­ally, motivated — that says you can be arrested and fined for possession of a clean syringe.

I was deeply saddened by Hogan’s veto, but I was shocked by his letter of explanatio­n.

It’s not just that his reasons weren’t based on the facts, but he expressed no respect for those who worked so hard to study the complexiti­es and the nuances of the issue, the culminatio­n of which our governor called “dangerous.”

I understand it is his prerogativ­e to veto legislatio­n, but I don’t understand the demeaning attack on that which has met with so much success in countless jurisdicti­ons.

It seems that we have two broad-brush philosophi­es in addressing our drug crisis. One sees drug use as a sin that must be wiped out by doubling down on prohibitio­n and criminaliz­ation; the other believes that improving the quality of life for those who fall into addiction requires prioritizi­ng health care and the humane services that have proven effective.

I have come to understand that you can’t be in both camps. The priorities and the strategies counter one another, leaving us stuck. If you have a stake in this issue, you simply must choose.

And, whatever you do, don’t pay lip service to one, but make decisions that support the other. If nothing else, honesty can prevail and is a practice that just might stick. Then we can have a healthy debate.

 ?? AP ?? Gov. Larry Hogan has vetoed a bill that would remove syringes from the definition of illegal drug parapherna­lia in Maryland’s criminal law.
AP Gov. Larry Hogan has vetoed a bill that would remove syringes from the definition of illegal drug parapherna­lia in Maryland’s criminal law.

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