The Capital

To be happy, be with happy people

- Tom Muha

The father of positive psychology, Martin Seligman, found we live in one of three emotional states: happy, variable, and unhappy. Dr. Seligman also discovered how to improve our level of well-being so we can move from suffering to flourishin­g. It’s helpful to understand how we lapse into unhappines­s.

Negative people believe life will turn out badly for them no matter what they do. Why? Because other people are responsibl­e for the bad things that happen to them. Unhappy people take no responsibi­lity for the outcomes in their life. What goes wrong in their world is the result of how other people behave.

Chronicall­y unhappy people act out their negative emotions by treating others poorly. They justify dischargin­g their unhappines­s by blaming other people for causing it. Therefore, they justify doing whatever they want to get back at people. Unhappy people seem determined to make the rest of us miserable as well.

This fundamenta­lly flawed way of thinking allows people to rationaliz­e being cruel. They spew forth their anger, doing whatever they can to hurt the feelings of other people. They actually delight in seeing other people suffer. They want to bring everyone down to their level of unhappines­s.

You can recognize these people because they frequently complain about how unfairly they’ve been treated. They never, however, discuss how they contribute­d to the problem. When you encounter these people, run. If you stick around for very long, you’ll become a target of their criticism as well.

That brings us to the next group of people — those in the middle who bend with the wind. Their emotions fluctuate according to who is getting their attention. The problem for these folks is that negativity is a magnet for our attention. For example, the stories on the nightly news or the rubberneck­ing that occurs around an accident on the highway. We human beings have a fascinatio­n with what’s going wrong.

Emotions are contagious. It only takes five minutes of being around an unhappy person to begin to feel down. The more attention we pay to problems, the more we fill our mind with unhappines­s. Likewise, the more we listen to someone who’s negative, the more negative we become.

The good news is that the emotional contagion principle also applies to positive people. When we hang out with happy people, we fill our own hearts and minds with positive emotions. One of the best ways to make yourself happier is to choose to be around people who put a smile on your face.

Positive psychology studies show that people who are happiest focus on their relationsh­ips. Positive people put the needs of others before their own. Research reveals that married couples who focus on what their partner needs make each happy 80% of the time.

To be fair, only a small proportion of people learn to relate in this way. But if you look for these happy folks, you’ll find them. When you do, spend as much time with them as you can. You will catch their happy mood. More importantl­y, you can learn what the most positive people do to flourish.

The challenge in life is to make conscious choices about who you’ll pay attention to. Are you focused on people who bring negativity into your life or people who create positive experience­s?

If you’re a person who cannot let go of problems, you’re probably plagued by anger, anxiety or depression. Stop paying attention to your story of woe. You’ve been hurt by others. We all have. But you can’t change the past. Focus on what you can do today to bring joy into your life. Talk to people who have something good to say rather than those who want to commiserat­e.

To be happy, choose to forgive those who have hurt you. Let the bad times pass. Let go of your connection to people who have been involved in bringing unhappines­s into your life.

Be good to yourself. Eat well. Read uplifting books. Focus your time and attention on finding people who bring you happiness. Do what you can to make them happy, and they’ll do the same for you. Spend time in nature to lift your spirits.

Living well is the best revenge. This adage has stood the test of time for good reason. People who learn to let negative encounters pass are able to move forward with their lives. They accept that bad things will happen to them. To offset their negative reactions, they focus on generating positive moments.

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