The Capital

Dormant affair spurs social media obsession

- Copyright 2021 by Amy Dickinson Distribute­d by Tribune Content Agency

Dear Amy: I was involved in an extramarit­al affair for 15 years.

It was a beautiful and loving relationsh­ip. We shared nightly phone calls, managed to take vacations together and saw one another on weekends.

Then COVID-19 happened. I moved away because of the pandemic, but we still spoke every night. I was not happy. I couldn’t adjust, and I missed him terribly.

Our conversati­ons were not as interestin­g. I blame it on myself. He was working from home and not struggling as much with his relationsh­ip with his spouse. I told no one about the affair.

I saw a therapist, but it did not help. My life was a total lie.

My affair-partner and I have not spoken in five months. I want to call him every day. This feels worse than a divorce. I am jealous. His life went on, while I am miserable.

I check on him (and her, and their family) all day on social media.

Are there resources to help me with my obsession?

— Devastated

Dear Devastated: I’m going to sidestep a specific reaction to your longterm extramarit­al affair, except to say that the end was inevitable. Once the pandemic interrupte­d your physical contact, he went back to his wife.

You need to go back to therapy. If necessary, find a different therapist. Be completely candid in your sessions.

In the shorter term, I can help you with your obsession.

Were you ever a smoker? Or addicted to Ring Dings? (I’ve been both.)

The way to break an addiction is to stay away from triggers (in my case, art deco ashtrays and advertisem­ents), and then breathe through those times when your mind spirals.

You are actually constantly triggering your own anguish and addiction by checking on him all day on social media.

It is hurting you. Disconnect from him on social media. Remove the app from your phone.

You need more actual contact with other people. Leave the house. Go for a walk or to a coffee shop. Leave your phone behind but bring a book. Observe the world around you.

Call an old friend or family member and concentrat­e on them.

In short, you need to build a life that is authentic. This will take time.

Dear Amy: I have a dog, “Sandy.” She is pretty well-behaved, and I am working hard with her to attain and maintain good habits.

I’ve always hated it when dogs jumped up to greet people. I also don’t want for my dog to beg for food, bark for attention or “ask” to sit on someone’s lap.

We’re working on these things, but I’ve noticed that when people come over to visit, they tend to let — or even encourage — my dog to do the very things I know they will find annoying in a few minutes. They will either say, “Oh, it’s OK if she jumps up,” or encourage her to beg.

I’m not sure what to do.

Any ideas?

— Proud Pup Parent

Dear Pup Parent: Like many people, I got a dog during the pandemic — my first. And I’ve noticed this, too: Guests being very gracious and patient, but also sometimes encouragin­g negative behavior, or underminin­g the dog’s better habits.

I’ve started routinely saying to everyone: “Please forgive me, but for the first 10 minutes while you’re here I’m going to discipline the dog while we talk.”

And then I spend 10 minutes saying, “Well, how are you MOLLY DOWN.”

“I ran into your mom last wee … MOLLY DOWN.”

This seems to work! It gives the humans some notice that things are going to be a little wacky at first. It shows them the behaviors I’m discouragi­ng. It also lets the dog know that the house rules are consistent, even when we have guests.

Dear Amy: Please! Your answer to “Woke Enough,” accusing her of racism because she described some kids at the door as “Black kids” compounds the racial hypersensi­tivity in this country.

— Tired

Dear Tired: “Woke Enough” asked outright: “Am I racist?” I said that her choice to identify people in this way was racist. But I think racial hypersensi­tivity is a good thing. It’s about time.

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