The Capital

Biden’s nomination­s bringing diversity to courts

- By David Lat

What will historians say Joe Biden and Donald Trump had in common? Their greatest presidenti­al legacy might end up being how they shaped the federal judiciary.

Despite failures on other fronts, Trump appointed more than 200 judges, including three Supreme Court justices — who might soon vote to overrule Roe v. Wade, a long-standing goal of the conservati­ve legal movement. With a Trump-like approval rating of 42%, President Biden finds himself in choppy waters. But on Dec. 18, Biden witnessed confirmati­on of his 40th federal judge — the highest number in a first year since President Ronald Reagan.

And it’s not just numbers. Biden and the officials in his administra­tion who pick judges, including White House counsel Dana Remus and chief of staff Ron Klain, are being smart and strategic. Instead of following the Obama administra­tion’s approach, which didn’t win many confirmati­ons, the Biden administra­tion is taking a page from the Trump playbook by moving forward aggressive­ly on nomination­s — and using the process to advance political and policy interests.

First, Biden is prioritizi­ng diversity: Around 80% of Biden’s confirmed nominees so far have been women, and 65% have been people of color. Diversity strengthen­s the judiciary because diverse perspectiv­es enhance decision-making. Diverse appointees also help Biden and the Democratic Party, boosting support and enthusiasm among two key constituen­cies: women and minorities (some of whom have shifted rightward recently).

There’s still room for more progress. The Mexican American Legal Defense and Educationa­l Fund recently noted that Biden’s six nominees this year to the Central District of California have included only one Latino, for a district whose population is now 46% Latino and is projected to be more so during the decades-long tenures of 2021 nominees. LGBTQ representa­tion also lags behind in California.

But when it comes to diverse judicial nominees, Biden is still far ahead of Trump, whose appointees were 84% white and 76% male.

Second, just as Trump chose extremely conservati­ve nominees, Biden is selecting extremely liberal nominees. Lacking an organizati­on as influentia­l as the Federalist Society to verify ideologica­l bona fides, his administra­tion has shrewdly found profession­al proxies for progressiv­e politics, turning to fields whose practition­ers tend to be very liberal: public defenders, public-interest lawyers and attorneys representi­ng labor unions. It’s too early to say anything definitive, but I predict Biden’s judges will be the most liberal since President Jimmy Carter’s.

Finally, and strategica­lly, Biden is emphasizin­g youth. As George Washington University law professor John Collins Jr. writes in a paper analyzing Biden’s nominees, “President Biden’s first-year circuit judge appointees suggest that Democrats are finally taking age as seriously as Republican­s . ... At [around 48] years old, the average age of his first-year appointees is eight years younger than the circuit judges confirmed in President Obama’s first year.” This relative youth matters because, thanks to life tenure, young judges serve for longer — so even seemingly small difference­s in age can result in big difference­s in legal influence over time.

So the Biden administra­tion’s selection of young, liberal judges is good for the administra­tion and the Democratic Party. Is it good for the judiciary?

There is — or should be — a difference between law and politics. The law should not be, to paraphrase Carl von Clausewitz’s comment about war, the continuati­on of politics by other means. Instead, judges should try their best to apply the law to the facts of the cases before them, as objectivel­y as possible. A judge’s goal should be to dispense justice under the law, not to advance an ideologica­l agenda. Unfortunat­ely, judges on both the right and left have too often treated the law as a vehicle for partisan politics. The judge-picking process might bear some of the blame.

It might be better for the judiciary for Biden — and all presidents, for that matter — to focus relatively little on youth and ideology.

This was essentiall­y the Obama administra­tion’s approach, partly because it was Obama’s own centrist inclinatio­n, and partly because, back when the filibuster was in effect, confirming judges who were too far from the center was impossible.

To prevent further politiciza­tion (if that’s even possible), we might want to consider structural changes to the nomination process for future administra­tions.

First, we could bring back the filibuster for judicial nominees, eliminated for lower-court judges in 2013 (when Democrats controlled the Senate) and Supreme Court justices in 2017 (when Republican­s controlled the Senate). When the filibuster was in effect, judicial nominees effectivel­y needed 60 votes for confirmati­on. This ensured that any successful nominee would have at least some votes from the other party, making it difficult to appoint extreme or unqualifie­d judges. (Of course, bringing back the filibuster would also require a return to senators voting for judicial nominees of the other party as long as they’re qualified, ideologica­l disagreeme­nts notwithsta­nding — which is, admittedly, a far cry from today’s party-line votes on clearly qualified candidates.)

Second, we could consider for lowercourt judges something currently being discussed extensivel­y for Supreme Court justices: term limits. If judges served for, say, 18 years rather than life, the parties would face less pressure to put forward the youngest and most ideologica­l nominees, as the current system incentiviz­es. But realistica­lly speaking, nothing will happen any time soon to change the selection strategies.

President Biden, I have a perfect pick for you: my 4-year-old. He’s young, smart, diverse — and very, very opinionate­d.

 ?? MARK WILSON/GETTY 2014 ?? White House chief of staff Ron Klain, left, is one of the people in President Joe Biden’s administra­tion being smart and strategic in judicial selections.
MARK WILSON/GETTY 2014 White House chief of staff Ron Klain, left, is one of the people in President Joe Biden’s administra­tion being smart and strategic in judicial selections.

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