The Capital

Russia renews strikes on Kyiv after several weeks

Ukraine announces counteroff­ensive to take back Kherson

- By Susie Blann

KYIV, Ukraine — Russian forces launched a missile attack on the Kyiv area for the first time in weeks Thursday and pounded the northern Chernihiv region as well, in what Ukraine said was revenge for standing up to the Kremlin.

Ukrainian officials, meanwhile, announced a counteroff­ensive to take back the occupied Kherson region in the country’s south, territory seized by Russian President Vladimir Putin’s forces early in the war.

Russia attacked the Kyiv region with six missiles launched from the Black Sea, hitting a military unit in the village of Liutizh on the outskirts of the capital, according to Oleksii Hromov, a senior official with Ukraine’s General Staff.

He said that the attack ruined one building and damaged two others, and that Ukrainian forces shot down one of the missiles in the town of Bucha.

Fifteen people, including five civilians, were wounded in the Russian strikes, Kyiv regional Gov. Oleksiy Kuleba said.

Kuleba linked the assaults to the Day of Statehood, a commemorat­ion that President Volodymyr Zelenskyy instituted last year and Ukraine marked for the time Thursday.

“Russia, with the help of missiles, is mounting revenge for the widespread popular resistance, which the Ukrainians were able to organize precisely because of their statehood,” Kuleba told Ukrainian television.

Chernihiv regional Gov. Vyacheslav Chaus reported that the Russians also fired missiles from Belarus at the village of Honcharivs­ka. The Chernihiv region had not been targeted in weeks.

Russian troops withdrew from the Kyiv and Chernihiv regions months ago after failing to capture either. The renewed strikes come a day after the leader of pro-Kremlin separatist­s in the east, Denis Pushilin, urged Russian forces to “liberate Russian cities founded by the Russian people — Kyiv, Chernihiv, Poltava, Odesa, Dnipropetr­ovsk, Kharkiv, Zaporizhzh­ia, Lutsk.”

Elsewhere, five people were killed and 25 wounded in a Russian rocket attack on the city of Kropvynyts­kyi, about 150 miles southeast of Kyiv, according to Andriy Raikovich, deputy governor of the Kirovohrad region. He said the attack hit hangars at an air academy, damaging civilian planes.

Kharkiv, Ukraine’s second-largest city, also came under a barrage of shelling overnight, according to the mayor. Authoritie­s said a police officer was killed in Russian shelling of a power plant in the region. The southern city of Mykolaiv was fired on as well, with one person reported injured.

Meanwhile, the Ukrainian military kept up a counteratt­ack in the Kherson region, knocking a key bridge over the Dnieper River out of commission on Wednesday.

Ukrainian media quoted Ukrainian presidenti­al adviser Oleksiy Arestovich as saying the operation to liberate Kherson is underway, with Kyiv’s forces planning to isolate Russian troops and leave them with three options — “retreat, if possible, surrender or be destroyed.”

Oleksiy Danilov, secretary of Ukraine’s National Security and Defense Council, said the Russians are concentrat­ing maximum forces in the direction of Kherson, warning: “A very large-scale movement of their troops has begun.”

The British military said Ukraine has used its new, Western-supplied longrange artillery to damage at least three of the bridges across the Dnieper Russia relies on to supply its forces.

Ukraine’s presidenti­al office said Thursday that Russian shelling of cities and villages over the past 24 hours killed at least five civilians, all in the eastern Donetsk province, and wounded nine.

Fighting in recent weeks has focused on the province. It has intensifie­d in recent days as Russian forces appeared to emerge from a reported “operationa­l pause” after capturing Luhansk province.

Ukrainian emergency authoritie­s said two civilians were killed in a Russian bombardmen­t of the town of Toretsk. A missile struck a residentia­l building there early Thursday morning, destroying two floors, officials said.

“Missile terror again. We will not give up . ... We will not be intimidate­d,” Donetsk regional Gov. Pavlo Kyrylenko said on Telegram.

Military analysts believe Russian forces are focusing efforts on capturing the cities of Bakhmut and Siversk in Donetsk province.

Zelenskyy instituted the Day of Statehood to remind Ukrainians of the country’s history as an independen­t state. The commemorat­ion honors Prince Vladimir, who made Christiani­ty the official religion of the medieval state of Kyivan Rus over 1,000 years ago.

“You could say that for us, every day is a statehood day,” the president said in a Day of Statehood address.

 ?? DAVID GOLDMAN/AP ?? A man watches billowing smoke after Russian forces launched a missile attack on a military unit on Thursday in Vyshhorod, Ukraine, located north of Kyiv.
DAVID GOLDMAN/AP A man watches billowing smoke after Russian forces launched a missile attack on a military unit on Thursday in Vyshhorod, Ukraine, located north of Kyiv.

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