The Capital

‘A very large impact’

New research suggests that casually reaching out to our friends — via a brief call, text or email — means more than we realize

- By Catherine Pearson The New York Times

Calling, texting or emailing a friend just to say “hello” might seem like an insignific­ant gesture — a chore, even, that isn’t worth the effort. Or maybe you worry an unexpected check-in wouldn’t be welcome, as busy as we all tend to be.

But new research suggests that casually reaching out to people in our social circles means more than we realize.

“Even sending a brief message reaching out to check in on someone, just to say ‘Hi,’ that you are thinking of them, and to ask how they’re doing, can be appreciate­d more than people think,” said Peggy Liu, Ben L. Fryrear Chair in Marketing and an associate professor of business administra­tion with the University of Pittsburgh Katz Graduate School of Business.

Liu is the lead author of a new study — recently published in the Journal of Personalit­y and Social Psychology — that found people tend to underestim­ate how much friends like hearing from them.

She and her team ran a series of 13 experiment­s, involving more than 5,900 participan­ts, to get a sense of how good people are at guessing how much friends value being reached out to, and what kinds of interactio­ns are the most powerful.

In some of the experiment­s, participan­ts reached out to someone they considered to be a friend; in others, they got in touch with someone they were friendly with but considered a weak tie.

Those reaching out were asked to rate how appreciati­ve, happy, pleased and grateful they anticipate­d the contact would be to hear from them — from not at all to very much.

The researcher­s then asked those on the receiving end of the check-in to rate how much they appreciate­d the contact.

Across all 13 experiment­s, those who initiated contact significan­tly underestim­ated how much it would be appreciate­d.

The more surprising checkins (from those who hadn’t been in contact recently) tended to be especially powerful.

Liu and her fellow researcher­s kept the bar for what counted as reaching out intentiona­lly low: a brief call, text or email, or a small gift, like cookies or a plant.

(The researcher­s did not focus on social media interactio­ns in

the study, but Liu said there is no reason to hypothesiz­e that reaching out to someone on Facebook or Instagram would be any less meaningful.)

And the fact that these quick, simple check-ins were meaningful will hopefully encourage people to reach out to their social contacts more often “just because,” the researcher­s said.

Theirs is not the only recent research to emphasize the power of small moments of connection. Another study, published in The American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, found that having positive social interactio­ns is linked with a sense of purposeful­ness in older adults.

It adds to the growing body of research that suggests the people we spend time with daily have a “very large impact” on our well-being, said Gabrielle Pfund, a postdoctor­al researcher in the department of medical social sciences at Northweste­rn University’s Feinberg School of Medicine and a researcher on that study. (At the time of the study, Pfund was working with a team at Washington University in St. Louis.)

Yet the new studies come at a challengin­g time for friendship and connection in the United States, which is in the throes of a loneliness crisis that has grown more complicate­d — and more acute — during the pandemic.

People also tend to be hard-wired to assume our friends and acquaintan­ces won’t be as open to us as we’d like, said Marisa Franco, a psychologi­st and assistant clinical professor at the University of Maryland and author of the forthcomin­g book “Platonic: How the Science of Attachment Can Help You Make — and Keep — Friends.”

She noted that many people feel awkward about reaching out due to a phenomenon known as the “liking gap,” or the tendency to underestim­ate how well-liked we really are.

People may also hold themselves back because of a similar phenomenon known as the “beautiful mess effect,” which suggests that when we are vulnerable with others, we worry we will be judged harshly. That kind of negativity bias tends to run through all aspects of friendship, Franco said, and can have a tangible impact on how we behave and interact.

But friendship experts like Franco say they hope the findings will underscore the need to connect with others on a daily basis, and encourage people to see friendship as an important component of personal health, even if reaching out sometimes feels awkward or time-consuming.

“To be functionin­g at our best, we need to be in a connected state,” she said. “Just like you need to eat, like you need to drink, you need to be connected to be functionin­g well.”


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