The Capital



Aries (March 21-April 19):

Memories don’t need to be held onto so tightly. You may have a specific method of doing things. This method isn’t necessaril­y the best way to do things — even if you were always raised to think in this manner.

Taurus (April 20-May 20):

Responsibi­lity and power are currently knocking on your door! Hiding from this chance might sound easier than dealing with them — especially if you’re afraid that you can’t handle whatever these entail. You’ll regret missing out on this. Step out of the shadows into your new role!

Gemini (May 21-June 20):

Moving on from a past hurt might be this day’s main challenge. A grudge could have made its home in your heart, and despite your desire to move on, it may feel like residual anger won’t let you go. It might be a profound wound, so be patient with yourself and heal at your own pace.

Cancer (June 21-July 22):

Struggles with authority could invite issues for you at this time. You may want to come off a certain way, but the rules of your situation might deny your self-expression. Rules are rules, but rules don’t have to last forever. Consider trying to change the rule for those who come after you. Make your case.

Leo (July 2-Aug. 22): A change in scenery could help you solve a current struggle. Whether you’ve been feeling stuck mentally, looking at the same four walls all the time likely isn’t helping. Being in the presence of someone who is rigid might also be an issue. Take a step back so you can see clearly!

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22):

Your health could encounter some unfortunat­e issues today. You may feel drained from events of the previous days or a recent lack of sleep, and this could color how you approach your to-do list. You’re likely not aware of exactly how you’re coming across to others.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22):

Luck might come through other people. In particular, the more ambitious your dreams are, the more people they will need to create the final product properly. Be willing to work with others and compromise, especially since the alternativ­e is a lack of a finished project.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21):

Feeling isolated could tempt you to run away from your problems today. You might feel as if you have to face a hardship alone or learn daunting lessons by yourself. It may feel like everything is looming over you. Try to break things down in your mind into bite-sized pieces. It’s not impossible.

Sagittariu­s (Nov. 22-Dec. 21):

A personal transforma­tion may change how you express yourself. You might find that you’ve outgrown your wardrobe, and adjustment­s may need to be made. You can pay your respects to these things that served you at one point, but it’s likely time to move forward.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19):

Personal feelings could fan the flames of any tension in your current partnershi­ps. This may be in a business partnershi­p, a relationsh­ip or a friendship — likely one in which you work closely together. Try to find a compromise before attempting to force your own opinion.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18):

Behaviors picked up in the past may begin to wear on you today. You’re likely getting a little sick of it at this point. Instead of fearing what life might look like without your unhelpful tradition to fall back on, look forward to what you could do if you weren’t held back by this habit.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20):

Your foundation might now be shifting. A title that you always identified with could turn out not to fit you as well as you thought. You feel a bit of an identity crisis, wondering who you are. Remember that you’re not just one thing — you’re a multifacet­ed human being, and you’re always growing and changing.

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