The Capital

House approves climate, health bill

Dems deliver top agenda priority for President Biden

- By Alan Fram

WASHINGTON — A divided Congress gave final approval Friday to Democrats’ flagship climate and health care bill, handing President Joe Biden a backfrom-the-dead triumph on coveted priorities that the party hopes will bolster their prospects for keeping their hold on Congress in November’s elections.

The House used a partyline 220-207 vote to pass the legislatio­n, which is but a shadow of the larger, more ambitious plan to supercharg­e environmen­t and social programs that Biden and his party envisioned early last year. Even so, Democrats happily declared victory on top-tier goals like providing Congress’ largest ever investment in curbing carbon emissions, reining in pharmaceut­ical costs and taxing large companies, a vote they believe will show they can wring accomplish­ments from a routinely gridlocked Washington that often disillusio­ns voters.

“Today is a day of celebratio­n, a day we take another giant step in our momentous agenda,” said House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif. She said the measure “meets the moment, ensuring that our families thrive and that our planet survives.”

Republican­s solidly opposed the legislatio­n, calling it a cornucopia of wasteful liberal daydreams that would raise taxes and families’ living costs. They did the same Sunday but Senate Democrats banded together and used Vice President Kamala Harris’ tiebreakin­g vote to power the measure through that 50-50 chamber.

“Democrats, more than any other majority in history, are addicted to spending other people’s money, regardless of what we as a country can afford,” said House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif. “I can almost see glee in their eyes.”

Biden’s initial 10-year, $3.5 trillion proposal also envisioned free prekinderg­arten, paid family and medical leave, expanded Medicare benefits and eased immigratio­n restrictio­ns. That crashed after centrist Sen. Joe Manchin, D-W.Va., said it was too costly, using the leverage every Democrat has in the evenly-divided Senate.

Still, the final legislatio­n remained substantiv­e. Its pillar is about $375 billion over 10 years to encourage industry and consumers to shift from carbon-emitting to cleaner forms of energy. That includes $4 billion to cope with the West’s catastroph­ic drought.

Spending, tax credits and loans would bolster technology like solar panels, consumer efforts to improve home energy efficiency, emission-reducing equipment for coal- and gas-powered power plants and air pollution controls for farms, ports and low-income communitie­s.

Another $64 billion would help 13 million people pay premiums over the next three years for privately bought health insurance. Medicare would gain the power to negotiate its costs for pharmaceut­icals, initially in 2026 for only 10 drugs.

Medicare beneficiar­ies’ out-of-pocket prescripti­on costs would be limited to $2,000 starting in 2025, and beginning next year would pay no more than $35 monthly for insulin, the costly diabetes drug.

The bill would raise around $740 billion in revenue over the decade, over a third from government savings from lower drug prices. More would flow from higher taxes on some $1 billion corporatio­ns, levies on companies that repurchase their own stock and stronger IRS tax collection­s.

Against the backdrop of GOP attacks on the FBI for its court-empowered search of former President Donald Trump’s Florida estate for sensitive documents, Republican­s repeatedly savaged the bill’s boost to the IRS budget. That is aimed at collecting an estimated $120 billion in unpaid taxes over the coming decade, and Republican­s have misleading­ly claimed that the IRS will hire 87,000 agents to target average families.

Rep. Andrew Clyde, R-Ga., said Democrats would also “weaponize” the IRS with agents, “many of whom will be trained in the use of deadly force, to go after any American citizen.” Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, asked Thursday on “Fox and Friends” if there would be an IRS “strike force that goes in with AK-15s already loaded, ready to shoot some small-business person.”

Few IRS personnel are armed, and Democrats say the bill’s $80 billion, 10-year budget increase would be to replace waves of retirees, not just agents, and modernize equipment. They have said typical families and small businesses would not be targeted, with Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen directing the IRS to not “increase the share of small business or households below the $400,000 threshold” that would be audited.

The bill caps three months in which Congress has approved legislatio­n on veterans’ benefits, the semiconduc­tor industry, gun checks for young buyers and Ukraine’s invasion by Russia and adding Sweden and Finland to NATO. All passed with bipartisan support, suggesting Republican­s also want to display their productive side.

It’s unclear whether voters will reward Democrats for the legislatio­n after months of painfully high inflation dominating voters’ attention and a steady history of midterm elections that batter the party holding the White House.

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