The Capital

Pup Scouts in the park

- By Brian Jeffries

Pup Scouts, a pack dog walking and training service, launched in Annapolis this week.

Baltimore native Michael Bass founded the business in Newport Beach, California, in 2015. The business focuses on socializat­ion, exercise and other services.

“[The dogs] are learning basic obedience and structure that they wouldn’t get at a day care or at a dog park, but they still get great exercise,” said Bass, who recently moved with his wife to Annapolis to raise their two young children and be closer to family.

Pup Scouts pick up dogs from their homes in a mini school bus and take them to exercise in groups of six to 10, organized based on the dogs’ energy levels, sizes and personalit­y.

 ?? BRIAN KRISTA/CAPITAL GAZETTE PHOTOS ?? Michael Bass, right, owner of Pup Scouts, is joined by dog trainer Craig Martin as they walk a pack of dogs along the Baltimore and Annapolis Trail in Severna Park on Wednesday.
BRIAN KRISTA/CAPITAL GAZETTE PHOTOS Michael Bass, right, owner of Pup Scouts, is joined by dog trainer Craig Martin as they walk a pack of dogs along the Baltimore and Annapolis Trail in Severna Park on Wednesday.
 ?? ?? Martin, left, andBass pause briefly during a pack walk with their canine clients on Wednesday.
Martin, left, andBass pause briefly during a pack walk with their canine clients on Wednesday.

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