The Capital

Will latest spate of mass shootings spark any change?

- Gail Collins Collins is a columnist for The New York Times.

Here’s a factoid filled with holiday anti-cheer: The country went through three infamous mass shootings in November.

Six people died in a Virginia Walmart. A gunman in that Colorado Springs nightclub left five people dead. And then there was the shooting in Virginia that took the lives of three college football players returning from a field trip.

And what do you think will happen as a result? Reading all these stories, I couldn’t help rememberin­g something Sen. Chris Murphy, D-Conn., once told me: that the public takes note of the gun issue only when there is a terrible multiple-fatality shooting, “and then the country only pays attention for 24 to 48 hours.”

I talked with Murphy recently, and he seems to have gotten more optimistic about the possibilit­y of progress. “I think the issue of gun violence is powerfully motivating voters,” he said. “That’s part of the reason Democrats did well in November. Parents are freaked out. A lot of parents aren’t willing to support Republican­s

until they take this more seriously.”

Before he entered the Senate, Murphy, a Connecticu­t Democrat, was a member of the House, with a district that included Newtown — the town where, a decade ago, 20 Sandy Hook Elementary School first graders and six educators were shot to death by a former student.

At the time, Murphy recalled, he was trying to respond to the ungodly disaster by doing … something. But when he looked for Republican­s who might be willing to sit down and talk about possible bipartisan gun legislatio­n, he found a just one.

So it was a great victory this summer when Murphy got a serious gun bill passed into law — the first substantia­l piece of federal legislatio­n on the issue in nearly 30 years. The new law provides more money for mental health, expands background checks on gun purchasers under 21 and makes it easier to get guns away from people with a history of domestic abuse.

That domestic abuse portion closes something called “the boyfriend loophole,” which allowed men who were convicted of assault against their girlfriend­s to continue to buy weapons. You couldn’t buy a gun if you’d been convicted of assaulting your wife, but a girlfriend was … I guess a lesser being.

After the mass shootings in November, Joe Biden called for a ban on assault weapons — one of which had been used in that Colorado nightclub. There was hardly an outcry of enthusiasm in Congress. Not that Murphy didn’t appreciate the sentiment: “I’m so proud of President Biden. I love the fact he wears his passion for this issue on his sleeve.”

Biden did champion an assault weapon ban that passed when he was a senator leading the Judiciary Committee. In 1994. Which was scheduled to end after 10 years if it was not renewed. People, I do not want you to spend your holidays wondering why Biden’s great proposal stopped being law before 2005. But if all else fails, feel free to blame the Republican­s.

Surveys show that most American voters support the idea of gun safety legislatio­n, but the political pressure for change doesn’t seem to be nearly as intense as it is about, say, abortion rights.

Murphy responded it’s getting there. “I think now it’s going to be a permanent top-five issue for a big chunk of swing voters.”

Better than top nothing. Unfortunat­ely, calls for reform have drawn a let’s-makethings-worse response from the other side. Perhaps you haven’t heard of Second Amendment sanctuarie­s.

Yes! This new incarnatio­n of the concept of “sanctuary” is a tad different from the traditiona­l image of helping innocent people seeking refuge from villains. Now it’s supposed to be a town or county or state that ignores gun laws that are already on the books. Ensuring safety for all local … bullets.

One study found that more than 60% of the nation’s counties say they won’t enforce existing gun safety laws. Murphy has called for a “conversati­on” about whether these places — which are often rural or Southern or both — should be cut off from federal law enforcemen­t funds.

See how civilized it’s possible to be in this debate? On the one hand, folks look forward to the next gunfight at the O.K. Corral. On the other, they’re calling for a serious conversati­on.

Glad to be on the talking side of that one.

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