The Capital

US Catholic leadership reassesses

Challenges ahead after abortion foes’ election defeats

- By David Crary

Repeatedly in recent years, the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops has stipulated that “the threat of abortion remains our preeminent priority.” In the face of recent election setbacks for abortion opponents, leading bishops and their lay allies are reassessin­g how to move forward with that stance.

The latest rebuff came Nov. 7 in Ohio, when voters decisively approved a constituti­onal amendment that ensures access to abortion and other forms of reproducti­ve health care. It was the seventh consecutiv­e state where voters decided to protect abortion access since the U.S. Supreme Court overturned the nationwide constituti­onal right to abortion in June 2022.

The Ohio result was particular­ly stinging for abortion opponents, coming in a state where tough anti-abortion measures had been approved by the Republican-controlled Legislatur­e.

“We must look ahead,” the state’s Catholic bishops said in a joint statement as the outcome became clear. “Despite the obstacles this amendment presents, the Catholic Church in Ohio will continue to work for policies that defend the most vulnerable, strengthen the child-parent relationsh­ip, and support women in need.”

Brian Hickey, executive director of the Catholic Conference of Ohio, noted that support for the abortion-rights amendment was particular­ly strong among younger voters, signaling that it could take many years to build an antiaborti­on majority in the state’s electorate. Exit polls suggested that more than 75% of voters ages 18 to 29 backed the amendment.

“How do we reach this next generation of Ohioans?” Hickey asked during an interview with The Associated Press. “We know there is a lot of work to do.”

The chairman of the U.S. bishops’ Committee on Pro-life Activities, Bishop Michael Burbidge of Arlington, Virginia, recalled how he and his colleagues celebrated 18 months ago after the Supreme Court — in its so-called Dobbs decision — struck down the much-debated Roe v. Wade ruling of 1973. The result was to end the nationwide right to abortion, and leave it to individual states to decide whether to ban it or allow it.

“There was a moment to celebrate, but we also knew it was only a brief moment, because rightfully this issue is back in the states,” Burbidge said. “These ballot-measure results are very unsettling.”

Burbidge said the Catholic leadership needed to convey more clearly that it is “pro-women” — even as it supports state legislatio­n aimed at limiting their options regarding unwanted pregnancie­s.

“Not even our parishione­rs are aware of all of the support the Catholic Church will give to single moms in need — counseling, financial assistance, housing — so mothers know they are being accompanie­d,” he told the AP. “We will be with them every step of the way.”

2024 will bring many opportunit­ies for disappoint­ments and triumphs. Abortion is sure to be a key issue in many political contests, and efforts are underway in several states — including Arizona, Arkansas, Florida, Missouri and Nebraska — to get Ohio-style abortion-rights measures on the ballot.

Burbidge and Hickey said the Catholic leadership, moving ahead in the abortion debate, should avoid sounding harsh and punitive. Hickey, for example, suggested that abortion restrictio­ns would receive greater public support if they offered exceptions, perhaps allowing abortions for women impregnate­d by rape.

“We need to have those conversati­ons,” Hickey said. “The Catholic Church is a place for refuge. It’s not a place for condemnati­on.”

Some Catholic abortion opponents favor an aggressive approach, whether or not it sways voter sentiment.

“The church will never compromise, it cannot compromise. It will always stand for the truth that every single human life is sacred,” said Brian Burch, president of the conservati­ve advocacy group CatholicVo­te.

“But it’s very clear the public is completely divided on this,” he added. “Recent trends show the public is not willing to go where many pro-life entities had hoped to go in the wake of Dobbs.”

Burch said state legislatur­es with anti-abortion majorities should avoid punishing women who get abortions. But he approves of penalties against medical personnel who provide abortions, and favors new laws that could punish people for pressuring a woman to get an abortion.

“The abortion divide has become more heightened because of Dobbs,” he said. “There is no question the Democrats will use the issue next year. It’s a political gamble and I hope they’re wrong.”

Frank Pavone, national director of Priests for Life, hopes the Democrats do highlight the issue — and says abortion opponents should engage head-on in the ensuing debate, rather than skirting the issue.

“We need an honest debate about abortion — a debate that starts with a clear, objective and public descriptio­n in a strategy memo he’s distributi­ng to political candidates. “Abortion supporters refuse to describe what they defend ... abortion itself is the last thing they want to talk about.”

 ?? DARRON CUMMINGS/AP ?? Attendees pray at a rosary rally Aug. 6 in Norwood, Ohio. On Nov. 7, Ohio voters approved a constituti­onal amendment on abortion.
DARRON CUMMINGS/AP Attendees pray at a rosary rally Aug. 6 in Norwood, Ohio. On Nov. 7, Ohio voters approved a constituti­onal amendment on abortion.

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