The Capital

Villwock touched many athletes’ lives over 40 years

- — Michael D. Yu, Annapolis

Coach Bruce Villwock has been one of the great pillars of leadership at both Broadneck and Annapolis high schools. With his passing I wanted to honor him with some thoughts.

I felt it fitting to write about the lasting impact he made on my life. I played three years of football and lacrosse at Annapolis for him. Coach Villwock was my defensive line coach in football and my goalie coach in lacrosse, as well as my mentor.

I had the privilege of working closely with him. During that time, I got to know a selfless, hard-working and dedicated man, who gave himself to the students at Annapolis. He was not only a tough coach, but a great friend.

I would often see him doing all of the little things that seem unimportan­t like collecting football equipment, taping players, providing counseling and most of all, investing his life in the young men he cared so much about.

Coach Villwock helped me get into the Naval Academy and from there eventually to serve in the Marines. I count it an honor and privilege to have been associated with such a phenomenal individual. I’m thankful for all that he did for those who were fortunate enough to have crossed his paths at Broadneck and Annapolis high schools.

Many of the values I attempt to live by were formulated during the years I played under him. His work ethic, integrity, character, loyalty, faith and undying devotion to his players is what always inspired and motivated me.

I only hope I can touch as many lives as he did over a 40-year coaching career that included many wins and losses — more wins than losses — and numerous county and state championsh­ips. He always said it wasn’t really about sports, it was more about developing young men and women as they began their lives and careers.

Thank you, Coach! With deep love and respect, I appreciate what you did for me.

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