The Capital

Benefits to starting a business while employed or between jobs

- SOURCE: Martin Zwilling, Inc.

You have probably secretly always wanted to run your own show, but with an existing job, never took the time to consider starting your own business. For most of us, not having done it before, we have no idea where or how to start. Here are some recommenda­tions on initiating a new venture:

Get business cards made

Nothing says you are serious about a new business like handing out profession­al business cards at local events and Chamber of Commerce meetings. Design them on your home computer for a few dollars. Offer to help a couple of customers for free, just to get your act together and your presence known.

Fun learning experience

It’s more fun to tackle the challenges of a new venture in between job search activities than it is to sit around feeling sorry for yourself and waiting for status callbacks on interviews (which seem to have gone out of style).

Find a business partner

Unless you are a true loner, you need someone like-minded but complement­ary in skills to help you with the business plans. It’s always good to have someone to test your ideas, keep your spirits up, and hone your business skills. Now you have a reason for talking to people who may become lifelong friends.

Learn how to incorporat­e a business

First, pick a name for your company and do the paperwork on starting a limited liability corporatio­n (LLC). Almost anyone can handle this without profession­al help, and the cost is less than $100 in many states. It shows everyone you are serious and limits your liability for any mistakes.

Practice developing a business plan

Pick a new business that you can do for minimal cost with the skills you have. With simple software available today, find a domain name and create your own website. Use social networking and blogging to get your message out. You don’t even need an investor.

Have business efforts to highlight in job interviews

Work your new venture efforts into every job interview and applicatio­n. It will definitely show off your energy and vision and will make you a more competitiv­e candidate for any role.

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