The Capital

In response to letter about education in state constituti­on

- Fish Stark, Annapolis

In his March 10 Letter to the Editor, Bart Frazier criticized my letter praising Board of Education member Dana Schallheim’s work to ensure every child can access an equal education. Specifical­ly, he argued that he should not have to pay taxes to support public schools and asked me to “find where education is mentioned in the Constituti­on.” Gladly, Bart.

Article VIII of the Maryland State Constituti­on, titled “Education,” reads:“SECTION 1. The General Assembly, at its First Session after the adoption of this Constituti­on, shall by Law establish throughout the State a thorough and efficient System of Free Public Schools; and shall provide by taxation, or otherwise, for their maintenanc­e.”

Our founders knew the only way to ensure equal opportunit­y, economic competitiv­eness and a strong democracy was through providing an excellent education to every single child. Thomas Jefferson said it best: “Educate and inform the whole mass of the people … they are the only sure reliance for the preservati­on of our liberty.”

I hope these exchanges make clear to Capital readers that, when it comes to education, the radical right wing is profoundly out of touch with most commonsens­e voters.

Most of them make an effort to try and hide their extreme views. Notice how Schallheim’s right-wing opponent, LaToya Nkongolo, never brings up her past support for sending our tax dollars to private schools during her failed campaign for delegate.

But every once in a while, someone like Frazier comes along and says the quiet part out loud. The upcoming school board elections are a choice between our county’s teachers and the radical right — which will gut our public schools if given the chance.

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