The Capital

Leaning into generation gap

Programs facilitate intergener­ational pairings, allowing old and young folks to share conversati­on and activities

- By Paula Span

At 10 a.m. Fridays, Richard Bement and Zach Ahmed sign on to their weekly video chat. The program that brought them together provides prompts for online discussion and suggests arts-related activities, but the two largely ignore all that.

“We just started talking about things that were important to us,” said Ahmed, 19, a pre-med student at Miami University in Oxford, Ohio.

Since the pair met more than a year ago, conversati­on topics have included: Pink Floyd, in a long exploratio­n led by Bement, 76, a retired sales manager in Milford Township, Ohio; their religious faiths (the senior conversati­on partner is Episcopali­an; the younger is Muslim); their families; changing gender norms; and poetry, including Ahmed’s own efforts.

“There’s this fallacy that these two generation­s can’t communicat­e,” Bement said. “I don’t find that to be true.”

“Zach tells me about his organic chemistry class, about being a student in 2024. I afford Zach an opportunit­y to share with me what it’s like to be him, and vice versa.”

Miami University began Opening Minds Through Art, a program designed to foster intergener­ational understand­ing, in 2007 and introduced an online version in 2022. This semester, about 70 pairs have enrolled in the video program. An additional 73 students engage in OMA-sponsored arts activities with people who have dementia at a nursing home, a senior center and an adult day program.

There are thousands of similar programs, said Donna Butts, executive director of Generation­s United, which promotes such efforts. Intergener­ational programs can involve toddlers in day care centers playing with nursing home residents, older adults and elementary school children engaging in community gardening, or college students and seniors joining forces against climate change.

“As age segregatio­n in our society has increased, the impetus to try to overcome it has definitely grown,” said Karl Pillemer, a Cornell gerontolog­ist who has led research on intergener­ational communicat­ion.

Factors including early retirement, age-segregated housing, and a decline in church membership and traditiona­l social organizati­ons have produced “a decrease in opportunit­ies for natural intergener­ational interactio­ns,” Pillemer said.

“There are whole industries where older people are uncommon,” he said, pointing to advertisin­g, entertainm­ent and technology. “Most people’s networks consist only of people 10 years older or 10 years younger than they are.”

One reason that matters is the documented toll that ageism takes on older adults’ health. Repeatedly, studies demonstrat­ing the impact of older people’s negative attitudes about aging, many led by Yale psychologi­st Dr. Becca Levy, have found associatio­ns between those negative attitudes and the risks of cardiovasc­ular events, such as strokes and heart attacks, and psychiatri­c illnesses including depression and anxiety.

People with positive feelings about age, on the other hand, do better on memory and hearing tests, have better physical function and recover more quickly from periods of disability. And they live longer.

A recent meta-analysis of 23 intergener­ational program studies from nine countries found other effects including less depression, better physical health and increased “generativi­ty” among older adults. The effects were small but statistica­lly significan­t.

Generativi­ty refers to the desire to leave a legacy. Pillemer describes it as “a developmen­tal need older people experience, assisting younger generation­s to create a better world that they themselves won’t live to see.”

In Rochester, New York, for instance, young employees at the Center for Teen Empowermen­t worked with older members of a community group, Clarissa Street Legacy, to produce a film and an exhibit that documented a lively Black community that was nearly destroyed decades ago by the constructi­on of a highway.

The teenagers “came to our homes with cameras and mics and asked us questions and listened as we described what Clarissa Street meant to us,” said

Kathy Sprague-Dexter, 77, who grew up in the neighborho­od and witnessed the displaceme­nt. “Our thinking was, we’re not going to be around for long. We need younger people to be a part of this.”

The documentar­y film has been shown in high schools and colleges nationwide.

“I don’t think we could have accomplish­ed this without the young folks, their ingenuity, their skills and connection­s,” Sprague-Dexter said. “They were carrying the load.”

Attempts to bridge a multigener­ational gap don’t always achieve success. Programs come and go. A 2022 Generation­s United survey found that 40% of responding intergener­ational programs had operated for a decade or longer, but almost half had begun within the past year.

“You can’t just put people in the same room and expect something to happen,” said Dr. Shannon Jarrott, a gerontolog­ist and researcher at Ohio State University. The most effective programs provide preparator­y training for participan­ts on both ends of the age spectrum, she said, with activities and equipment appropriat­e for all parties.

They work best with “consistent pairing,” so that the same two people “have a chance to keep building that relationsh­ip,” Jarrott explained. More frequent interactio­ns appear to have greater effects.

Initially, Ahmed did think of the program, suggested to him by a sociology professor as a way to earn additional college credit, as a kind of favor.

“I signed up expecting to gain nothing for myself,” he said. “The idea of elderly people as they age is rather depressing. They lose a lot of people in their lives.”

But as conversati­ons with Bement unfolded, Ahmed realized that the program was helping him too. “Things I’ve read about in history books he has lived through,” Ahmed said of Bement. “It changes the stereotypi­c, stigmatize­d view of elderly people. They have stories and experience­s and more life than I’ve had.”

The pair are now in their third semester. They met in person once, for dinner. “It was wonderful,” Bement recalled. “My life has been enhanced by this relationsh­ip.”

Might they continue next year? “Why not?” Ahmed said. “I really do value this friendship.”

Bement has acquired two new students to talk with, but said he would always make time for Ahmed.

 ?? MADELEINE HORDINSKI/THE NEW YORK TIMES PHOTOS ?? Zach Ahmed, left, and Richard Bement converse Feb. 16 at Kofenya Coffee in Oxford, Ohio.
MADELEINE HORDINSKI/THE NEW YORK TIMES PHOTOS Zach Ahmed, left, and Richard Bement converse Feb. 16 at Kofenya Coffee in Oxford, Ohio.
 ?? ?? Ahmed, a sophomore pre-med student at Miami University in Oxford, Ohio, reacts during the chat with Bement.
Ahmed, a sophomore pre-med student at Miami University in Oxford, Ohio, reacts during the chat with Bement.

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