The Capital

Dali cargo ship crew safe after disaster

- By Jean Marbella

Andy Middleton heard “a sustained rumbling sound” but thought it was a low-flying plane. Only hours later Tuesday did the Dundalk resident learn it was the Key Bridge collapsing after being struck by the Dali cargo ship, whose crew members he and other volunteers had taken shopping while they were docked in Baltimore this weekend.

“I was able to reach out to the crew, and everyone was safe,” said a relieved Middleton, director of the Apostleshi­p of the Sea. “I’m still concerned about those who were on the bridge when it collapsed and hope they’re found.”

The Catholic ministry helps crew members while their vessels are at the Port of Baltimore, respites for what can be monthslong trips at sea.

Middleton said he and other volunteers took Dali crew members to Walmart, where they wanted to stock up for a particular­ly long voyage ahead.

“They were going to Sri Lanka, and the captain said it was going to be a 28-day voyage,” he said. “They were going down and around South Africa to avoid the Red Sea and the Houthis.”

In response to Israel’s bombing in Gaza, Houthi rebels in Yemen, who have been designated a terrorist group by the U.S., have been attacking ships in the Red Sea and military forces in the area.

As a result, the Dali was “taking a longer route,” Middleton said.

“We’re a friendly face when they come into the Port of Baltimore,” he said. “I’m glad we were able to provide services for them before they sailed.”

Crews that arrive here are also assisted by another group, the Baltimore Internatio­nal

Seafarers’ Center.

Now, Middleton is gearing up for whatever the crew might need when they return to port.

“I’m sure there will be some who are shaken by it,” he said. “You never know how you’re going to react to something. No one ever thinks you’re going to set sail and hit a bridge and it’s going to collapse.”

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