The Catoosa County News

Dude, be nice!

- David Carroll

Parents, the next time your kids want to use the motorized shopping carts to take a joy ride through the store, just say no. Some people really need them.

Dude, don’t toss your cigarette butt out of the car window toward me while driving. Not only is it littering, it is also a fire hazard in dry weather.

Speaking of litter, why would anyone toss a fully loaded disposable diaper into a parking lot? I understand the challenges of transporti­ng a cranky baby, and no one wants a stinky diaper in the car. However, garbage cans are usually nearby, and no store employee (or customer) should have to handle your baby’s number-two.

Then there are the drivers who make it clear that their time is more important than yours. As we patiently await the light to change to green, they turn in front of us, long after their light has turned red. They know we won’t ram into them. To them, a red light is merely a suggestion. If you blow your horn, they seem offended. After all, they have somewhere to be.

I’ve ranted on this before, but it bears repeating. Some folks have told me they don’t use their headlights in rainy, foggy conditions because, “I can see just fine.” That is not the point. We would like to be able to see you, especially when we’re pulling out of an intersecti­on. You will probably never get a ticket for this, but be nice. Allow us to see you in low visibility conditions.

Now let’s go inside the store. Dude, if you think you want a carton of ice cream, and then change your mind twenty minutes later, it isn’t nice to leave the ice cream on the bread shelf. Your mama taught you better.

As a customer, I just want my items to be calculated and bagged properly. I’m really not interested in overhearin­g a cashier’s phone conversati­on, or listening to employees complain about their schedules, or how late they stayed up last night. Be nice, y’all. Act like you appreciate the folks who spend money in your store.

I’ll blame this next one on the customer AND the cashier. Have you ever stood in line for say, ten minutes, because the store doesn’t have enough checkout lanes open? As you slowly work your way closer to the checkout, a new cashier opens another register, and yells, “This lane is open.” Immediatel­y, the person who just arrived in the back of your line ten seconds ago dashes to the new lane. Dude, that isn’t nice. And to the cashier: Please announce that you’ll take “the next person in line,” and no one else.

(I recently approached a young man stocking the shelves. I needed help finding the Cheez Whiz, so I asked which aisle it was on. When he didn’t reply, I realized he was wearing earbuds, with the music cranked up loud. I could have tapped him on the shoulder, but that would have startled him. I shouldn’t be eating Cheez Whiz anyway, but a little customer service would have been nice.)

Finally, I can’t leave out cell phone etiquette. You know who you are, talking at full volume in the doctor’s waiting room. We know it’s important. You’re probably closing a major deal with Bill Gates. But please, step out in the hall. If your name is called, we’ll come get you. It is the nice thing to do.

David Carroll, a Chattanoog­a news anchor, is the author of the new book “Volunteer Bama Dawg,” a collection of his best stories, available at Chattanoog­, or by sending $23 to David Carroll Book, 900 Whitehall Road, Chattanoog­a, TN 37405. You may contact David at

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