The Catoosa County News

The times, they are a-changing


Few white Americans today are alarmed by prediction­s that the Caucasian race will become a minority in this country sometime around the middle of this century. Few of us today will be alive then and are not all that concerned.

But there is another rather alarming socio-religious transforma­tion that is steadily growing. According to recent surveys the percentage of Americans who identify themselves as white Christians has recently dropped below 50%.

While American Christians of all kinds remain at an almost 70% majority, white Christians now comprise only 43% of our population. Less than 40 years ago almost eight in 10 Americans were white Christians. What’s going on here?

The greatest losses have occurred in the predominan­tly white mainline Protestant denominati­ons. That includes Methodists, Presbyteri­ans, Lutherans, Episcopali­ans, Congregati­onalists and others. While Baptists vehemently deny they are mainline, many of them are also losing members at about the same rate. Southern Baptists have dropped to their lowest numbers since 1990.

In the past the evangelica­l-fundamenta­lists have judgmental­ly pointed to the mainline denominati­ons, saying that their theologica­l liberalism is causing losses in membership. But these new numbers might challenge the claim of linking growth to conservati­sm. But there is more at work here than policy, theology or doctrine.

Never a large denominati­on, my own Episcopal faith is in a prolonged decline. In addition to the ongoing divisive conflicts over the ordination of female clergy and gender identifica­tion acceptance, the fact is that historical­ly Episcopali­ans have never been great reproducer­s. They tend to stay in school longer, marry later (and less), have smaller families and some don’t insist that their children automatica­lly adopt the parents’ religious affiliatio­n. They expose them to a broadly inclusive education and sometimes even encourage them to use their own judgment in choosing a religious faith.

In the U.S. and in Europe the Catholic Church has also been losing members. But here in the Bible Belt, still a hotbed of fundamenta­lism and evangelica­lism, while many Protestant churches are struggling many Catholic masses are filled to standing-room only. This is primarily due to the massive influx of Hispanic Catholic immigrants and the growing southward migration of Catholic retirees and families from the U. S. Northeast and mid-west. In many southern Catholic Churches as many as twelve masses are held from Friday evening through Sunday. In 2016 Hispanics made up about 40 per cent of American Catholics and are reported to be far more active in U. S. churches than they were in their former countries, probably from a new-found respect and freedom.

The attraction of some recent Hispanic immigrants to American Pentecosta­l denominati­ons-churches of God, Assemblies of God and Holiness groups-is growing and shows little signs of slowing down. The cultural roots of Latin American immigrants is often more indigenous than Hispanic and is more in tune with the openly emotional style of American Pentecosta­l worship services.

The Seventh Day Adventist and Latterday Saints (Mormon) denominati­ons report impressive annual gains in membership. But these are largely outside of North America. And some of these congregati­ons fail to report their losses along with their gains, thereby distorting the net figures.

On the brighter side, Christiani­ty is experienci­ng phenomenal growth in Subsaharan Africa and Asia. Christiani­ty is not dying, it’s simply relocating.

 ??  ?? Reed

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