The Catoosa County News

On The Journey, Judy Bowman



All Hallows Eve. That’s where we get the word “halloween.” The day after Halloween is the feast of All Saints when we remember and celebrate all those who are in heaven. It’s a holy day in the Catholic Church when all Catholics attend Mass and honor the saints who are models of Christian virtue and perseveran­ce. So how did the eve or vigil of All Saints Day become associated with goblins and ghouls? The simple answer is that if you believe in God and Holy Scripture, then you also believe in the reality of evil in the world. The devil and his army of demons contest for our souls as the “principali­ties and powers” described by St. Paul (Ephesians 6:11). But today a lot of people don’t believe in the devil anymore. Evil has become just one more outdated idea like the flat earth. In America, the Puritans made it illegal to celebrate Halloween, mostly out of their anticathol­ic prejudices. Anything associated with Catholic belief or practice, like the holy days of worship, was outlawed. The popular customs we associate with Halloween, like carving vegetables and lighting them inside with candles and celebratin­g the night before All Saints Day are largely Irish Catholic traditions brought to this country with the immigrants.

With diminishin­g cultural beliefs in the reality of evil and the suppressio­n of Catholic beliefs and practices, Halloween had all but disappeare­d in America until 1923 when a novelty company in Framingham, Massachuse­tts began to market costume kits and instructio­ns on pumpkin carving and trick-or-treating that quickly became popular. Over the following decades, Halloween became a secular holiday that most families embraced. Unfortunat­ely the rich, instructiv­e faith history of the holiday has been ignored, forgotten and even rejected outright. If we relegate goblins and demons to the real of mere superstiti­on or harmless diversion, we empower evil. Satan’s influence in the world grows greater whenever he can convince someone that he doesn’t exist. We are still engaged in the battle against him, but instead of calling him by name, we attribute evil to social causes like a bad childhood or poor interperso­nal skills. And so we don’t confront evil with the truth of Christ crucified anymore. This truth is at the heart of what we celebrate on All Saints Day.

My Catholic faith teaches that evil is rejecting God. It is a real force that can have very real and eternal consequenc­es for those who choose to turn away from the Lord. Just as heaven is a real place, hell is also real. Both are everlastin­g. We choose hell over heaven when we reject God’s love for us. Saints are people whose hearts are filled with God’s love and grace and who consistent­ly chose God’s truth over the lies of the evil one. They lived in the joy of the Lord, not in the anxiety and fearfulnes­s which Satan wants for all of us. While we believe in the reality of demons and fallen angels, we don’t fear them because we live in the power of the risen Christ. Some Christian parents are hesitant to allow their children to dress as witches or devils when they trick-ortreat. Certainly this is a decision each family must make for themselves. But Halloween is a great time for parents to answer their children’s questions about goblins and devils and to reassure them that God’s love is more powerful than anything “spooky.” Jesus is our Light and when we follow Him, the darkness of the world is dispelled. God hears their prayers and never lets any of His children walk without His loving protection.

So set out your jack-o-lanterns and thank the Irish Catholic immigrants whose traditions we imitate. Enjoy the evening with your children and be generous with all the little tricksters who come to your door. Most of all, remember that the next day’s light brings with it a holy day of prayer and thanksgivi­ng in remembranc­e of the servants of God who have shown us the way to heaven. These saints are our brothers and sisters in faith and their lives are examples to us of how to love and serve God with humility and joy. These darkening autumn days hold within them the bright light of All Saints Day and the greater, uncreated light of Christ, our Savior.

Glenda Smiley, Pleasant Valley Baptist Church

Sundays are always special. A day to honor our risen Savior, Christ. A day to rest and relax. And a day to spend with family. Of course, honoring the Lord and spending time with family should be every day.

Had special dedication service to the Lord for Grayson Cranmore, son of Cody and Heather, and grandson of Pastor and Ms. Jill.

On Sunday nights, we have been studying in the book of Ezekiel. The people were hardened to the message of God. God’s Word was ignored. The

Bible tells us where there is no vision, the people perish. Often the Word preached falls on deaf ears, even in churches today. Members forget the message preached rather than taking it to heart. People of Ezekiel had been taken captive to Babylon because of sin (lack of interest in God) while looking for judgment ahead. Words fell on deaf ears. God told the prophet to preach without words by demonstrat­ion. Illustrati­ons and symbols amazingly demonstrat­ed God’s instructio­ns. This message without words was louder than any said. Pleasures preferred before God do not get you to heaven. They get you to hell. These people forsook all and followed their own pleasures. No heed to preaching of God’s Word. We find ourselves in similar situation today. Pleasure before worshippin­g a holy God. It is foolish to forsake God for pleasures. It is because of God that we have what we have. Blessing after blessings! These people were completely cut off with nothing as God judged their sin. So bad was their situation, they resorted to cannibalis­m. No one will get away with sin. Many go too far without judgment, a life not spent for God, and a lack of pursuit of God. Ezekiel preached loudly, but in silence. In Isaiah 5, God ask, could I have done anything more? In our day, our lives, our situations, could God do anything more? One day every knee shall bow and confess Jesus Christ as Lord! Do it here, do it now, or do it when it is too late! But all will one day bow and confess Christ as Lord.

Pray with us for those with physical needs, Jewel Mitchell, Carolyn Denton, Lula Petty, Denise Pitts, Claudette Armstrong, and many other of which the Lord knows their name and their need. Many extended family members are in need of prayer and ask for them to remembered in your prayers knowing God knows. Pray for Pastor Flood and his family, for the church and ministries including missionari­es, Sunday school, youth, nursing homes and homeless, orphans. Pray for our country/leaders, congress, Israel/

America. Remember the border, the Iran/n.korea/china situations and troubles around the world. Pray for PVBC to grow and spread the gospel in this community. Pray for souls to be saved and for God to send revival.

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Glenda Smiley
Judy Bowman Glenda Smiley
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