The Catoosa County News

Baptists and controvers­y


Ask some Baptists today (Southern, Northern, American, independen­t, hard-shell, soft-shell) about their origins and they will tell you their founder was John the Baptist. But John was neither Christian nor Baptist.

Others claim they came from the European Anabaptist­s (“re-baptizers.”) But Anabaptist­s were a movement among believing Catholics, not a denominati­on. Never a large group, many Anabaptist­s eventually became Mennonites.

Today’s Baptists trace their origins to John Smythe, an Anglican clergyman who founded a dissenting congregati­on in The Netherland­s shortly after 1600, and Thomas Helwys who organized an Arminian/baptist church in England around 1610. These were the first congregati­ons to call themselves Baptists.

The Roman Catholic Church traditiona­lly baptizes infants shortly after their birth to assure them a place in heaven should they die in infancy. But many Protestant­s believe that baptism should take place only after the individual has accepted Jesus as Lord and Savior.

Baptist congregati­ons flourished in the North American Colonies through both immigratio­n and conversion. Roger Williams, a Massachuse­tts Colony dissenter, left the establishe­d Anglican Church over theologica­l difference­s in 1638 and founded a Colony and church in Rhode Island based on the baptism of believers only, the autonomy of the individual congregati­on and the independen­ce of church from government.

Williams, however, never used the term “Baptist.” He not only understood human nature, he enjoyed a healthy mistrust of human claims to understand­ing the will and intent of God. Williams’ colony experience­d a vigorous growth that included a mix of Baptists, Quakers, Jews and other religious minorities. But typically Baptist, some might say, as a result of growing controvers­ies Williams soon moved on. Over the next half century Baptists enjoyed a vigorous growth throughout the Colonies, particular­ly in the south.

Most of the early settlers in our part of the country were Scotts-irish, sometimes erroneousl­y called “Scotch Irish.” Scotch is a whiskey or a tape. “Scottish or “Scotts,” is a people or dialect. Most American Scotts were originally Presbyteri­ans who required an education at Princeton University in New Jersey for pastoral ordination. But because most young men on the frontier who were called to preach couldn’t afford a Princeton education, they became Baptists or Methodists, denominati­ons less demanding in formal educationa­l.

During the U.S. Constituti­onal Convention Virginia Baptists, feeling persecuted by the establishe­d Anglican Church, pressured their representa­tive, James Madison, to introduce a separation of church and state amendment into the Constituti­on. And for the next half century personal salvation, church-state separation and freedom of individual conscience were governing principles of the Baptist faith. But in the 1830s and ’40s many northern churches began to support the antislaver­y movement.

In reaction, southern churches, largely Baptist, contended that the Holy Scriptures, when interprete­d literally, supported the institutio­n of slavery. After all, if God tells us in the Old Testament how to buy, sell, punish and generally treat slaves and Paul admonishes slaves to obey their masters in the New Testament, God must surely approve of slavery. And today, in addition to supporting anti-abortion and other restrictio­ns based on scripture and doctrine, certain evangelica­l and fundamenta­list churches have openly backed individual political candidates pledged to support their agenda. Church-state separation? My! How times have changed!

And, by the way, both my fraternal grandfathe­r and great-grandfathe­r were Baptist ministers.

 ??  ?? Reed

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