The Catoosa County News

On The Journey, Judy Bowman


“The light”

It’s the middle of another December and the darkness of the winter season is all around us. The oak leaves are brown and crunchy underfoot on the cold ground. Frost has burnt the leaves of the rose bush. The nights are long and the blue-white stars shine with a steely cold light. And yet we know that after the depths of winter, spring will come again. At the root of that empty oak tree is the spark of life that will force the green leaves in just a few months. Inside the frost-bitten bush is the sleeping rose bud that will awaken in the warmth of spring. Memory consoles us in winter with the hope of new life. We remember summer’s warmth of long days and soft nights; the abundance of our sun-kissed gardens and the green lushness of field and valley. Even in winter’s darkness, we carry in our hearts the light of summer.

God formed our rememberin­g hearts to seek Him and to long for the light of His love. He knows how very much we need Him and yearn for the Truth which only He can give us. And so He chose to come to us in the darkest days of winter, when His light would shine the brightest and when the consolatio­n of His coming would be most welcome. Heaven came to earth in the Blessed Virgin’s holy womb; her sacred “yes” inviting the Infinite to make His home among us. But this King of all Kings didn’t come to rule, but to serve. He doesn’t demand homage, but seeks to be in a relationsh­ip with each one of us. The great “I AM” comes to us as a shivering baby in a backwater manger. That very night, the winter skies were filled with angels and the light of heaven used a star to shine forth the way to Him. The light of that singular star is reflected today in every twinkling bulb on our Christmas trees, and in every candle flickering on our altar. The sanctuary lamp burns brightly near the Tabernacle of every Catholic church in the world and proclaims that Christ is here! Just as He was in the manger, or the Upper Room, or on the Cross, or arising from the tomb. The uncreated Light that rolled away the stone and banished darkness forever, that made the earth and hung the moon in place, that raised Lazarus from the dead and cured the sick and walked on the water—that same Light comes to us at every Mass. And the angels that dance around His heavenly throne, and who heralded His birth to the shepherds, kneel with us around the altar in loving adoration.

And so in these darkest days of winter, again He comes to us. In the darkness of our lost and sinful world, again He comes to us. In the sinful, secret corners of our guilty hearts, He comes to us. “The Light of the world” (John 8:12) comes to love us, to know us, and to save us. He comes to bring us to Himself in all-embracing Light. He comes to heal our broken souls and bind up all our wounds. In the winter darkness of our sins and failings, our addictions and our weakness, when we can see nothing before us but cold, barren ground and the loneliness of doubt, He comes to bring us new life and hope. Christ, our Light, conquers darkness forevermor­e. Come, Lord Jesus!

Glenda Smiley, Pleasant Valley Baptist Church

This coming Sunday, December 15th, Pleasant Valley Baptist will have local guitar artist, Wesley Crider, present his Christmas music during the morning service. This is and has been a very meaningful time of focusing our hearts on the meaning and joy of Christmas. Christmas dinner will follow with food and fellowship. After dinner, all are invited to join us in visiting area shut-ins with caroling and brief message of encouragem­ent. Services will begin at 10:30AM with no evening service. We cordially and warmly invite all to come and be a part of this great Christmas service.

December 22nd, PVBC choir will present a special music program. There will be traditiona­l and special music presented along with scripture readings bringing glory to God. Make plans to be with us and join in this season of celebratio­n of the Savior’s birth.

Last Friday night, Pleasant

Valley participat­ed in the Ringgold Christmas Parade. There was a tremendous number of floats and other entities along with a great crowd of people to enjoy and experience this Christmas extravagan­cy. Members of PVBC enjoyed great fellowship with one another as we worked together to see this happen. There was great joy and privilege as the float represente­d the Christmas story of Christ the Savior to those who attended the parade. It was also joyful as we encountere­d those along the parade route seeing the happiness and joy in their faces. We wished them a Merry Christmas and invited them to come to visit PVBC. We trust God will honor our effort and pray the Word of God given out along the parade will penetrate some heart in need of Christ the Savior. After all, “He is the reason for the season”.

This time of year is especially hard for families who have lost loved ones and have illnesses. Pray with us for those with physical needs, Diane Hullender, Jewel Mitchell, Carolyn Denton, Lula Petty, Denise Pitts, Claudette Armstrong, Warren Mcallister, and many others of whom the Lord knows their name and their need. Many extended family members are in need of prayer and ask for them to remembered in your prayers knowing God knows. Pray for Pastor Flood and his family, for the church and ministries including missionari­es, Sunday school, youth, nursing homes and homeless, orphans. Pray for our country/leaders, congress, Israel/america. Pray God’s will be done in impeachmen­t inquiry. Pray for PVBC to grow and spread the gospel in this community. Pray for souls to be saved and for God to send revival.

As usual, the church was blessed to have two inspiring message brought yesterday by Pastor Flood and Cody Cranmore, Youth Pastor. Pastor’s message was taken from Luke 1:26-35. Although Christ had nothing of worldly possession­s, He lived a fulfilled and successful life. He fulfilled the law completely, which shows us our sin, and was obedient to His heavenly Father’s will. He came to save all the people of the entire world. He is the image of God the Father and He and the Father are One. He demonstrat­ed His power on earth coming to seek and save the lost. He loved without measure. Christ had a fulfilling ministry of accomplish­ment. By His righteousn­ess, we are declared righteous. Not by any works which we have done, but by personal faith in Christ through God’s grace. Things which we gain or possess in this world are not a measure of a successful life. But, treasure’s laid up in heaven are the evidence of a successful life. God has placed a great work of treasure into a lump of clay called Christians. Far too often we moan and complain about things and situations in our lives. The backdrop of our lives must be right so Christ can be glorified through us. A diamond ring is lost in glitter when laid on the top of a jewelry show case. But, placed upon a black clothe, the beauty is now brilliant and glorious. Pastor shared a story of a stone mason working on a large stone which was the last to be installed at the top of a structure. As another man pasted, he observed the man hard at work and chiseling away at the stone. He ask what he was doing, and the man responded, “I am chiseling on this stone so that it will fit up there”. Instead of complainin­g, we need to realize God is chiseling on us so that we will fit up there. A successful life is not worldly possession­s and situations on this earth, but it is based upon what God can do through a yielded, willing vessel. In closing, John 9, teaches about a man who had been blind from birth. Jesus seeing him as He passed by on the Sabbath had pity and healed him. The Pharisees demanded of the man who had healed him. In verse 25, this was the man’s response, “one thing I know, that, whereas I was blind, now I see.” When the Lord changes lives, lives are never the same. Jesus loves everyone and desires to save all who come to Him. Have you been or are you spirituall­y blind? You can healed, made to see, by faith in Christ for the forgivenes­s of your sins and live a successful life through Christ. Not as the world declares success, but by living a life in the likeness of Christ and allowing Him to live through you.

Services are live-streamed on Facebook. Service times are Sunday School 10AM, Worship 11AM, Evening 6PM with prayer at 5:45PM. Wednesday Bible Study and Youth Kid’s Zone meet at 7PM. Call for transporta­tion 706 537-3633.

Come visit us at Pleasant Valley Baptist. Be a part of our family should God so lead and help us reach this area for Christ. You are always welcome!

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Glenda Smiley
Judy Bowman Glenda Smiley

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