The Catoosa County News

Curing the disinforma­tion pandemic

- COLUMNIST| STEVEN ROBERTS Steven Roberts can be contacted by email at

Facebook is like Coca-cola. Both companies want everyone to use their products; the last thing they want is any turmoil that gives customers a reason to leave the website or switch to Dr Pepper.

But here’s the difference: Drinking Coke can’t hurt you (unless, of course, you swill gallons of the stuff). Facebook, however, can poison your mind with toxic disinforma­tion. As Margaret Sullivan of The Washington Post reports, Donald Trump “spread false informatio­n with devastatin­g consequenc­es for the country” in more than 1,400 Facebook posts in the year 2020.

Which raises a critical question: What should be done about polluters like Trump who use Facebook (and other social media platforms like Twitter) to contaminat­e the informatio­n environmen­t? Should they be regulated? Banned entirely? If so, who makes those decisions, and what standards should they use?

Even out of office, Trump is forcing Facebook, and indeed the entire country, to look for answers. They are in very short supply, and here’s why: The debate does not present a clear trade-off between good and bad. It involves a clash of two vital American values: the right to speak freely and the right to live safely. What’s the proper balance between the two? How can both be preserved? As Shakespear­e writes, “There’s the rub.”

For most of its existence, Facebook pretended there was no problem. We are like the phone company, insisted founder Mark Zuckerberg — a public utility that merely transmits informatio­n. We don’t edit or control that informatio­n. That was always a ridiculous notion, and it became completely untenable as Facebook grew in power and reach. It now has more than 2.7 billion users.

“For better or worse, Facebook and its products are core to how many people around the world experience the internet,” Jillian York of the Electronic Frontier Foundation writes in Politico.

But Zuckerberg did not want the responsibi­lity of policing his own platform. Any decisions he made about limiting access would make some folks angry. Facebook, he was fond of saying, “should not be the arbiter of truth.” Government should take that role. But a highly polarized Washington has been totally incapable of crafting effective regulation­s, leaving the social media field devoid of umpires or referees.

That was great for Trump, who used the platform to spread his disinforma­tion during the 2016 campaign, unhindered by any restrictio­ns. As his campaign manager Brad Parscale told “60

Minutes” on CBS: “I understood early that Facebook was how Donald Trump was going to win ... it was the highway in which his car drove on” (sic).

During Trump’s presidency, Facebook remained a major weapon in his arsenal. Zuckerberg tentativel­y tried to apply minimal controls — some Trump posts received warning labels, a few were taken down — but nothing really impeded his flow of falsehoods.

So Zuckerberg tried something else, creating an independen­t oversight board filled with noted legal and media experts. It became operationa­l last fall, and was designed to shoulder the “arbiter” role Facebook itself was desperate to avoid. A few weeks later, Jan. 6 happened. Trump urged his followers to storm the Capitol, and Zuckerberg was forced to act. Even though Facebook users should have “the broadest possible access to political speech,” he wrote, “the current context is now fundamenta­lly different, involving use of our platform to incite violent insurrecti­on.”

Facebook banned Trump indefinite­ly (Twitter did permanentl­y), and Zuckerberg tasked his new Oversight Board with reviewing the decision. The board upheld Trump’s ban for six months, but bucked the final decision back to Facebook: “In applying a vague, standardle­ss penalty and then referring this case to the Board to resolve,” read the group’s statement, “Facebook seeks to avoid its responsibi­lities.”

Almost everyone was unhappy. “Censorship,” cried Trump and his supporters. “Cowardice,” replied the liberals who wanted Trump banned forever.

As for Zuckerberg, the board pegged him exactly right. He’s been trying to avoid responsibi­lity for years — and in some ways, that’s a good thing. Should a 36-year-old with absolutely no credential­s as an ethical or editorial expert be the “arbiter of truth” for 2.7 billion Facebook users? The answer is clearly no.

But is government a better option? Should politician­s be making those judgments? The whole idea leaves me queasy. Some version of an oversight board, a Supreme Court-like body that renders dispassion­ate, independen­t judgments that reconcile free speech and public safety, is probably the best alternativ­e.

But as a country, as a global community, we are far from finding a vaccine for the disinforma­tion pandemic. No one wants to make unpopular decisions. Everyone wants to keep selling Coke.

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