The Catoosa County News

Annie get your gun

- Len Calderone is a constituti­onal conservati­ve who lives in Rossville. He can be reached at lencaldero­

Idon’t mean Annie Oakley. Women are purchasing firearms at an all-time high. A May 2020 survey estimated that 40% of gun sales were to first-time gun owners with 50% of them being women. Personal protection was the primary reason women were buying firearms, with semiautoma­tic pistols being the most commonly acquired firearm. The chief reason to purchase a firearm is crime and fear of riots. Most of the women are between the ages of 45 and 54 with the 55 to 64 age group being next. Most of these women are white followed by Hispanic and Black.

It appears that after the Uvalde shooting, armed mothers will need to stand guard outside of all of our schools to protect our children since the government and police are unable to do the job. The U.S. sends billions to foreign government­s but cannot send sufficient money to our school systems to protect our vulnerable children.

How difficult is it to place safety measures in our schools? The teachers should be armed and trained in defensive shooting. All school doors should be locked from outside entrance, but able to be opened from the inside in case of an emergency, such as a fire. There should be a 10-foot fence around every school yard with barbed wire on top. A police officer should be stationed inside every school and one on the outside, checking and approving visitors. Our county government­s in Catoosa and Walker counties should take note.

By the way, why did the police wait 40 minutes before rushing the shooter? They should have moved against the shooter instantly, knowing that children were at risk.

There should be NO discussion of cost. Our children are invaluable. The politician­s in Washington have all kinds of specialize­d armed protection. Do our children deserve less? As of May, there were 119 school shootings nationwide. When are our elected officials going to do whatever is necessary to protect our children? The blame for this tragedy must be shared by our political leaders, whose policies have turned our schools into soft targets by refusing to provide the protection that our children deserve.

I noticed that President Biden used this awful massacre to push for gun control. How about people control? A gun does nothing until some nut picks it up with the intent to harm others.

What is the real problem in our society? Laws are being passed by liberal politician­s relating to bail reform, qualified immunity by police, policing policies and tactics and use of force standards, while greatly or completely eliminatin­g the budget for police. There is a war on police officers. Politician­s are doing everything they can to support criminals through required criminal justice reform that does nothing to afford assistance to the police. Some police department­s are firing officers for performing their duties profession­ally.

Why are liberals letting hardened criminals back on the streets by eliminatin­g bail and failing to prosecute criminals? Instead of blaming the criminals for the high rate of crime, liberals are blaming the guns. They now are saying that they have to remove guns from law abiding citizens to keep our streets safe. This is their way of taking our Second Amendment rights away in the disguise of reducing crime. Once again, President Biden talked about removing “weapons of war” from U.S. citizens after the shooting in Buffalo, N.Y. The AR15 is not a military weapon. The M16 and the M4 are military weapons and are more sophistica­ted than the AR. By the way, “AR” does not stand for assault rifle or automatic rifle. It stands for the manufactur­er, Armalite Rifle.

Wackos, like Salvador Ramos, see that criminals just get a slap on the wrist for serious crimes and think that they can get away with unimaginab­le actions.

Violent crimes targeting law enforcemen­t have been on a steady climb for the past two years. Murders of law enforcemen­t in America are up 59%. In 2021, 62 officers were shot, 17 assaulted by vehicle, 6 by other methods of assault and 4 were stabbed to death. This year we already lost 23 officers to one form of violence or another. This is due to the increase of crime on our streets, the censuring of proactive policing and a hatred for cops encouraged by reprehensi­ble progressiv­e politician­s.

Far right organizati­ons are vilified for being racist, yet Antifa and BLM get away with riots and crimes. Samuel Young, a white member of Antifa, shot two fellow protesters while attempting to murder in the name of racial justice. He was convicted of four counts of attempted manslaught­er but got no jail time.

There is a crime crisis due to radical policies and politician­s. Liberals want more crime so that they can justify their agenda to disarm America. If they can convince their followers that guns caused this crisis, they win. Since 2018, California has seen a 27% increase in homicides, 8% increase in aggravated assaults and 8% increase in vehicle thefts. Major stores in San Francisco are closing due to blatant shopliftin­g and “smash and grab” thefts. This is an alarming trend.

President Biden is attempting to rationaliz­e his newest gun control pledge by asserting that Americans don’t have the weapons they would need to “take on the government.”

Biden said, “If you wanted or if you think you need to have weapons to take on the government, you need F-15s and maybe some nuclear weapons. The point is that there has always been the ability to limit — rationally limit the type of weapon that can be owned and who can own it.”

The President is actively arming our enemies, while attempting to disarm citizens. Congress sits idly by and lets this happen with only a handful of representa­tives voicing any opposition. All citizens should unite and demand that our officials stop the gun prohibitio­n agenda and spend whatever is necessary stop criminals and protect our children.

 ?? ?? Calderone

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