The Columbus Dispatch

Pakistanis face blasphemy claim

- By Syed Raza Hassan REUTERS

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan — Pakistani police have registered a case of blasphemy against 68 lawyers who waged a public protest after a police officer detained one of their colleagues, officials said, the latest in a tidal wave of such accusation­s flooding the country.

Analysts say the surge in accusation­s is a worrying sign that the nucleararm­ed nation of 180 million people is becoming less tolerant as militant ideas enter mainstream politics.

The colonial-era law does not define blasphemy, but the charge carries the death penalty. Presenting evidence can be considered a new infringeme­nt, so judges are reluctant to hear cases.

Judges who free those accused of blasphemy have been attacked, and two politician­s who suggested reforming the law were shot dead. Those acquitted often have been lynched.

Monday’s charges followed a protest in which lawyers shouted slogans against senior police officer Umar Daraz for allegedly illegally detaining a lawyer in the Jhang district of central Pakistan.

“Lawyers were protesting against police, using foul language and the name of the inspector,” the district’s police officer, Zeeshan Asghar, said.

A companion of the Prophet Muhammad, founder of the Islamic religion, was called Hazrat Umar.

A member of a far-right sectarian party complained that his religious feelings were offended because the lawyers used the name Umar in their protest, and he lodged charges with police.

Blasphemy accusation­s have spiked in Pakistan, a 2012 study by an Islamabad research group, the Center for Research and Security Studies, showed, with 80 complaints in 2011, up from a single case in 2001.

More-recent figures are not available.

Pakistan has not yet executed anyone for blasphemy, but members of religious minorities say they often are threatened with such accusation­s.

Last week, a respected human-rights lawyer was killed after facing threats in court for defending a university professor whose students had accused him of blasphemy. It had taken the professor a year to find a lawyer to defend him.

Police said the accuser was a member of the Ahle Sunnat Wal Jamat, a front for a banned Sunni sectarian group linked to the deaths of hundreds of minority Shi’ite Muslims and led by politician Maulana Ahmed Ludhianvi.

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