The Columbus Dispatch

Daughter needs vacation from controllin­g mother

- Carolyn Hax

Dear Carolyn: I have no bond with my mother and never have, including as an infant. She is self-centered, probably has a narcissist­ic personalit­y disorder and makes herself look good by spinning partial truths to make other people look bad. Through the years, I have been her target.

I belong to an organizati­on that has an event on Fourth of July weekend in a different city every year. This is the first year I’m able to go because it’s in my area of the country. I’ve had these plans for a year and have been getting more and more excited to combine my first vacation ever with the event.

My brother has informed me that my mother’s 70th birthday celebratio­n is all figured out — July 5 for 25 people at $40 a person — and that because he understand­s my financial difficulti­es, he and our other brother are prepared to cover the cost.

I’m insulted that I wasn’t consulted regarding an event they are suggesting I might “cohost,” but I’m trying to let that go.

My real issue: Am I now obliged to cancel my only vacation, ever, to attend? If I go, I will be resentful (obviously). If I don’t go, it is fodder for family gossip about what a terrible daughter I am. It looks to me like a lose-lose situation.

Dear M: I can see how you would think that, after a lifetime as the preferred target of a dysfunctio­nal family.

But please trust this: People accustomed to being treated with respect would respond immediatel­y with “Jeez — wish you’d run the date by me first! I’ll be on a vacation that weekend that I planned a year ago. If you change the date, I’m in.”

The only “lose” in that scenario would be the disappoint­ment of having to miss a celebratio­n you care about — not the terror of poking wasp nests with a stick.

I suggest that you respond to your brother with those words anyway, as if you are a valued equal in a healthy family. Why? Because your mother’s problems confer no obligation on you to make them your problems, too. You get to live as any other independen­t adult does.

If that whips Mama into a frenzy, then figure out the radius of her reach and step calmly, decisively outside it.

You might still see this as a notch in the loss column. As long as you’re prepared to withstand the fallout, though, I actually see it as a win, because it says to your mother and anyone who is still in her sway, “Breaking news: I’m beyond the reach of your powers.”

That fallout won’t be fun; on the contrary. The first time a controllin­g person notices that she is losing control, the punishment is usually swift and merciless.

It only works, though, if you keep caring what she says about you. I know; I know: It is very hard work to get there. But you know that she is a bad egg. It is within your power to upgrade that from intellectu­al awareness to a core, life-guiding conviction.

Finally, maybe your mother can’t be kind to you, but you can.

Write to Carolyn Hax — whose column appears on Sundays, Wednesdays and Fridays — at tellme@washpost. com.

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