The Columbus Dispatch

Obama does little to defend privacy

- — The Miami Herald

The publicatio­n of a new book on the revelation­s of NSA snooping by Edward Snowden and the one-year anniversar­y of those disclosure­s this month combine to raise a question: How is the Obama administra­tion doing on the related issues of transparen­cy and stopping privacy invasions? Answer: Poorly.

The publicatio­n of No Place to Hide by Glenn Greenwald, whose reporting on the Snowden disclosure­s earned him a Pulitzer Prize, are a timely reminder that, one year after the world learned about the Orwellian capabiliti­es of the National Security Agency, there is still no law in place to protect Americans from the NSA’s reach.

Meanwhile, President Barack Obama is taking steps to tighten the lid on secrecy and making it harder for reporters covering intelligen­ce agencies to perform their jobs.

A related issue: Administra­tion efforts to safeguard the privacy of individual­s from businesses and institutio­ns are far from ideal.

NSA: One bit of good news is a legislativ­e effort proposed by Obama to place limits on what the cyberspy agency can do. The bad news is that the proposed changes contained in the USA Freedom Act are modest, at best.

The first question is why Obama could not impose the limits on his own, given that the agency was operating under executive orders authorized by him and former President George W. Bush.

The measure itself leaves a lot to be desired. The NSA is banned from some systematic collection of data, but bulk records remains with the phone companies, NSA’s willing partners until the snooping scandal exploded.

Specific records could be obtained only under court order if the act becomes law. But that will provide little comfort if it means relying on the super-secret FISA Court that enabled NSA’s spying all along.

The reforms seem to refer only to phone records. They do not include email, text messages and other forms of cybercommu­nication. In short, it leaves open too many loopholes and does not go far enough to stop abusive practices.

Privacy: Earlier this month, the administra­tion proposed enhancing the 1986 Electronic Communicat­ions Privacy Act. One positive provision requires law-enforcemen­t agencies to treat communicat­ions in cyberspace like letters, requiring court approval to gain access.

The unresolved issue is that consumers will remain unaware of who is collecting their data, for what purpose, and how that informatio­n is used.

Transparen­cy: Last month, James R. Clapper, Jr., Obama’s director of national intelligen­ce, issued a directive barring officials at 17 agencies from speaking to journalist­s about unclassifi­ed, intelligen­ce-related topics without permission. Repeat, unclassifi­ed.

Violations would be treated like a breach in security.

This from a president who promised “the most transparen­t administra­tion in history.” Given all this and Obama’s slow and incomplete response to the NSA disclosure­s, it suggests that he places little value on the privacy rights of Americans or on the right of the press to probe into the dark corners of the American government.

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