The Columbus Dispatch

Guardians often have thankless job


I was sorry to read the Sunday Dispatch article “Unguarded,” about the ward system in Ohio, as Paul S. Kormanik is my “go-to” attorney guardian. It is almost impossible to find a willing person for the task of being guardian for a mentally ill person with zero assets who exists on Social Security and Medicaid.

I cannot recall being refused when I have called Kormanik’s office, seeking help for what is always a difficult situation. His paralegal is a real blessing, knows the people she is working with and has face-to-face meetings with them.

I cannot speak to situations where there are family members who are disappoint­ed with the care their loved ones received, or how assets were handled, as most of my clients have no one who cares and no assets, but I can suggest people need to have an advanced directive such as a living will or durable power of attorney for their loved ones, so some situations can be avoided in the future.

As to finding it difficult to get Medicaid, anyone in a nursing home should easily qualify. Any denial is easily handled by filing for a state hearing, simple to accomplish with a phone call to the number in the paperwork from the Department of Job and Family Services, which handles such applicatio­ns.

I have yet to lose a state hearing myself and have taken clients to protest denials many times. If Kormanik needs advice on this subject, he can call me.

NANCY MILY Registered nurse


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