The Columbus Dispatch

Ice can help remove carpet indentatio­ns


Dear Heloise: How can I remove or lessen carpet indentatio­ns?

Dear Lynne: This is a frequently asked question, and there are a couple of things you can try:

Put an ice cube in each indentatio­n. As the ice melts, use your fingers to pull up the carpet fibers. You can even use a comb (gently) to get the fibers to stand up.

Add warm water to a spray bottle and use it to dampen the carpet. Then use a hair dryer on a warm setting, and your fingers, to fluff up the fibers while blowing the air on them.

You can also use a clothing steamer to moisten the carpet, then again use your fingers to help the fibers stand up. Just be careful not to burn yourself.

Dear Heloise: I bought a shirt with an adhesive label. When I took it off, some of the adhesive stayed on the shirt. How can I remove it?


Dear N.Y.: Try to remove as much of the adhesive as you can with a metal spoon. If any is left, treat the area with a petroleum-based pre-wash spray and let it sit for a while. Then wash the garment and check that the adhesive has been completely removed before putting it into the dryer. If there is still residue left, try a commercial adhesive remover, but test it in a hidden area first.

Dear Heloise: My small bathroom doesn’t have a vent. I use a small table fan to help ventilate it when cleaning or if the room gets too warm.

Dear Heloise: One of the most frustratin­g predicamen­ts when moving is having disassembl­ed an item and not being able to find the parts to reassemble it. A simple solution is to keep a supply of zippered plastic bags on hand. As soon as something is disassembl­ed, put the parts into the bag and tape the bag to the underside of the disassembl­ed piece.

Dear Heloise: On medication bottles or boxes, I write with a felt-tip pen what the meds are for and how often they are to be taken. This helps when someone else is dispensing them.

I also take photos of medical facilities so I can remember where I need to go for return appointmen­ts.

Dear Heloise: When I empty the dishwasher, I take the plates and silverware and put them on the bottom of the pile of clean dishes instead of the top. That way, I am rotating the dishes and silverware and not using the same items over and over.

Dear Heloise: Help! I dye my hair every couple of months and always end up with dye on my hands.

What can I use to remove it?

Dear Stacy: Take some lime or lemon juice and rub it all over your hands. Give the citric acid time to work naturally to bleach the areas; then gently scrub the skin and nails with a nailbrush.

Or mix salt and vinegar (white or cider) to make a scrub. Rub it over your hand.

With both methods, rinse well and be sure to use some type of moisturize­r afterward.

Heloise answers letters only in her King Features Syndicate column. Write her at P.O. Box 795000, San Antonio, TX 78279-5000; or send a fax to 210-HELOISE.

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 ?? Hints From Heloise ?? — Lynne A., via email
Hints From Heloise — Lynne A., via email

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