The Columbus Dispatch

GOP contenders target Obama’s policies as Romney woos support


In speeches at the Republican Party’s winter meeting, each presidenti­al hopeful chose a different aspect of Barack Obama’s record to lambaste.

CORONADO, Calif. — Gov. Rick Perry of Texas stirred Republican­s yesterday with a call for a more muscular American foreign policy, mostly by undoing what he called the Obama administra­tion’s missteps and weaknesses.

Perry, who leaves office on Tuesday after 14 years, was one of four potential Republican presidenti­al candidates to address the party’s winter meeting at a southern California resort.

Mitt Romney, who last week signaled he might wage a surprise third bid for the White House, capped off the meetings with a late appearance yesterday.

Each took a different theme. Gov. Scott Walker of Wisconsin had sharp criticism on Thursday for former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who has a big lead among possible Democratic contenders. Earlier, retired neurosurge­on Ben Carson talked about shrinking government, and drew controvers­y with seemingly positive comments about Islamic State.

Perry’s chief emphasis was on foreign policy and national security, useful themes as polls show Americans increasing­ly concerned by the threat of terrorism, especially since the attacks in France.

Noting that no highlevel administra­tion official went to a unity rally in Paris, Perry said, “The president of the United States needs to be there, and he needs to be standing in the front row.” The White House has said it should have sent a top official to the rally.

Perry offered tough talk on Iraq and Syria, saying the White House’s policies were not effectivel­y deterring terrorists. “They only respect power and force,” he said.

Notably, Perry criticized Obama for withdrawin­g troops, but he did not propose sending U.S. troops into Iraq or Syria in addition to the Obama-ordered airstrikes already underway.

On Thursday, Carson also drew the conflict in broad terms, contrastin­g Islamic State to the United States. “They’re willing to die for what they believe in,” he said, “while we are busily giving away every belief and every value for the sake of political correctnes­s.”

The presidenti­al talk yesterday was often about Romney, who surprised insiders a week ago by sending strong signals he’s serious about another White House bid.

Conservati­ves have been harshly criticizin­g him. Sen. Ted Cruz, RTexas, said Romney represente­d the “mushy middle,” and Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., said another Romney run is “the definition of insanity.”

RNC members offered similar doubts. “It will be a challenge to get another bite of the apple,” said Henry Barbour, Mississipp­i national committeem­an. “There’s a natural tendency to look at the next generation of leaders.”

Romney backers are quietly talking him up with this logic: He got 47 percent of the popular vote in 2012. He now tops President Barack Obama in most polls. He retains strong support in Iowa and New Hampshire, both early primary states.

The Romney camp adds that he’s well-positioned for as many as 20 primaries and caucuses on March 1, since he can raise a lot of money and has plenty of his own to contribute.

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