The Columbus Dispatch

FDA says unreliable tests run big risks


WASHINGTON — Inaccurate and unreliable medical tests are prompting abortions, promoting unnecessar­y surgeries, putting tens of thousands of people on unneeded drugs and raising medical costs, the Food and Drug Administra­tion has concluded.

Life-threatenin­g diseases go undetected in some cases. In others, patients are treated for conditions they do not have.

“Patients have been demonstrab­ly harmed or may have been harmed by tests that did not meet FDA requiremen­ts,” federal investigat­ors concluded in a report to Congress last week.

The findings come at a time when the use of laboratory­developed tests is booming, the Obama administra­tion is seeking new regulatory powers and Republican­s in Congress are working on legislatio­n to set stricter standards. The new standards, whether set by Congress or by the administra­tion, would be the most significan­t change in the regulation of laboratori­es since 1988, lawyers say.

In 20 case studies — half involving tests used to diagnose and treat cancer, others focused on heart disease, autism and Lyme disease — the FDA laid out a compendium of serious problems.

One blood test to help detect ovarian cancer was never shown to be effective, the report said, but was used anyway. False-positive tests may have led to “unnecessar­y surgery to remove healthy ovaries.”

Pregnant women have considered or had abortions because other tests inaccurate­ly indicated abnormalit­ies in the fetus.

Several tests now on the market detect a genetic variant that was once thought to increase the risk of heart disease, a link that has not been confirmed. Yet more than 150,000 people have been given these tests, the report said, and “many were likely over- or undertreat­ed with statins,” cholestero­l-lowering drugs, at a cost estimated at more than $2.4 billion.

“The problems are more prevalent than people want to recognize,” said Dr. Jeffrey E. Shuren, director of the Center for Devices and Radiologic­al Health at the FDA. “Doctors and patients rely on these tests

to make well-informed health care decisions. If they get inaccurate results, they can make the wrong decisions, and people get hurt as a result.”

Shuren said officials did not know how many people might have been harmed, because informatio­n on “adverse events” associated with laboratory-developed tests is not systematic­ally collected or reported — a gap that many in Congress and the administra­tion want to close.

Inaccurate test results pose a significan­t threat to President Barack Obama’s plan to develop treatments tailored to the genetic characteri­stics of individual patients. Many of the new “personaliz­ed medicines” are used with a diagnostic test that identifies patients who are most likely to benefit, or to suffer serious side effects. If the tests are unreliable, the treatments could be ineffectiv­e.

The maker of one of the tests cited by the FDA, Genomic Health of Redwood City, Calif., rejected the criticism. Victoria Steiner, a spokeswoma­n for the company, said that “a wealth of evidence has supported use of our test to help guide chemothera­py treatment decisions in more than 500,000 breast cancer patients to date.”

Diagnostic tests are now regulated differentl­y depending on where they were developed and manufactur­ed. Products that will be sold to multiple labs — “commercial test kits” — are typically subject to FDA review before they go on the market. Manufactur­ers are supposed to inform the government if they learn that their products may have contribute­d to a death or a serious injury, and they may have to notify the government if they recall defective products.

But for tests manufactur­ed and used within a single laboratory, the agency has not actively enforced regulatory requiremen­ts, even though doctors around the country may submit samples to that lab for testing.

The Obama administra­tion is moving to assert its enforcemen­t authority over such laboratory-developed tests, saying they have become more complex, more widely used and more similar to commercial tests that the government has regulated for nearly 40 years.

The American Clinical Laboratory Associatio­n, a trade group, contends that “the FDA lacks the statutory authority to regulate laboratory-developed tests.”

But Jayson S. Slotnik, a consultant to drug and device companies, said: “There will be more regulation, and it need not stunt innovation. The right regulation would separate good from bad tests and encourage use of the better ones.”

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