The Columbus Dispatch

Syrian border town works to rebuild


KOBANI, Syria — From the door of her modest cinder-block home, Faiza Mohammed recalled what her neighborho­od once was and mourned what it had become.

Her children’s school has bullet holes in the walls and sandbags in the windows. The shops where she once bought groceries are mounds of rubble. The neighbors and relatives who used to live nearby and keep an eye on one another’s children have left.

Other than the elderly couple next door, she said, everyone is gone. Her house and theirs are the only two left on the street, islands in a sea of destructio­n.

“We have people next door, so we are OK,” said Mohammed, who was widowed before the Syrian civil war began. “But at night, we lock the door and don’t open for anyone, because there is fear in the world.”

A fierce battle by Kurdish fighters to repel an invasion by Islamic State last year rocketed Kobani, an obscure border town in northern Syria, into the world’s consciousn­ess.

But by the time the Kurds prevailed in January, backed by hundreds of U.S. airstrikes in what was lauded as a model of internatio­nal cooperatio­n, the town looked as though an earthquake had struck. Refugees who came back had trouble even locating their homes.

Kobani is trying now to overcome the deep scars of war and rebuild — and there are signs of life.

The challenges the town faces are huge but also the costly burden of destructio­n that many Syrian cities will have to bear when the war ends.

Throughout town, the crash of tractors tearing down damaged buildings resounds through the streets. Fleets of trucks haul off loads of rubble to dump outside the city in ever-expanding fields of waste.

Shops selling cellphones, cigarettes and grilled chicken have reopened along a few commercial streets after installing new doors and glass. And thousands of displaced residents are returning each month, local officials say.

“The city has become relatively suitable to live in again,” said Idris Nassan, the head of foreign affairs for the area’s new autonomous administra­tion.

When the battle ended, 80 percent of buildings were damaged, and the infrastruc­ture had collapsed, he said. The town had long before cut any links with the central government in Damascus, so local leaders formed the Kobani Reconstruc­tion Board with members from the Kurdish diaspora to solicit aid and oversee rebuilding.

Its first tasks were to restore water and sewage lines, reopen roads, dispose of unexploded ordnance and lay to rest the bodies of more than 100 people found in the rubble, Nassan said.

Also destroyed were the city’s new hospital, most government offices, a number of schools and bakeries, and two large wedding halls.

Kobani sustained yet another blow in June, when Islamic State fighters sneaked into town before dawn and went house to house, killing more than 250 people before Kurdish fighters killed them, said Shervan Darwish, a military official here.

But the administra­tion has kept on, working with internatio­nal organizati­ons to open clinics and regulating generators so residents can buy a few hours of electricit­y per day.

Its reconstruc­tion efforts are limited, however, by scarce funds and the difficulty of obtaining building supplies.

Many saw the victory over Islamic State as a large step toward empowermen­t for Syria’s Kurdish minority after decades of government­al neglect.

“It was worth it,” said Sherin Ismael, a 26-yearold seamstress. “Now the world knows that there are Kurds.”

Her family members, too, are the only residents left on their block, and her 2-year-old nephew, Osman, still cries at night, saying, “ISIS is coming.”

Some of their neighbors recently inspected their house to see what it would take to move back in.

“Destructio­n comes quickly,” Ismael said. “But building takes time.”

THE NEW YORK TIMES ?? Ten months after coalition airstrikes and Kurdish fighters repelled an invasion by Islamic State, the residents of Kobani, Syria, struggle with loss, failed services and widespread destructio­n.
TYLER HICKS THE NEW YORK TIMES Ten months after coalition airstrikes and Kurdish fighters repelled an invasion by Islamic State, the residents of Kobani, Syria, struggle with loss, failed services and widespread destructio­n.

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