The Columbus Dispatch

Ethanol mandate results in pollution


I respond to the Thursday letter “Big Oil likes to spread lies about ethanol” from Fred Yoder. I think he has been reading too many farm magazines.

I also am a farmer, and I read the agricultur­e publicatio­ns and have discovered their position on ethanol is more than a bit one-sided.

Ethanol does offer slightly less air pollution when burned in an automobile, but it comes with many negatives. Cars get poorer gas mileage when using ethanol. The ethanol manufactur­ing process uses enormous quantities of water and natural gas, plus generates air and water pollution. And ethanol is made in the Midwest and has to be transporte­d by diesel-burning trucks to all parts of the United States.

Also consider that ethanol is made from corn — lots of corn. The estimates I have read are that 40 percent of our U.S. corn production goes into ethanol. To raise corn, farmers apply lots of fertilizer containing nitrogen and phosphorus, which are the ingredient­s being blamed for stream and lake pollution because they cause the growth of toxic algae.

I recognize there are other contributo­rs to the growth of toxic algae but agricultur­al activity has been identified as one of the major contributo­rs.

Since we are mandated to use ethanol blends in our gasoline, we are forced to accept the byproduct of polluted steams, lakes and drinking water. Why is it that 2 percent of our population (farmers) is allowed to earn its living while polluting our streams and rivers that the other 98 percent would like to use, enjoy and drink?

I would like to have the personal freedom to fill my car with 100 percent gasoline. BOB POSTLE Lewis Center

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